La Crema dedicates reggaeton and prayer to the Cuban passport

The reggaeton singer has dedicated several of his songs to criticizing the problems of contemporary Cuban society with tones of political satire.

La Crema © Facebook La Crema Oficial
The cream Photo © Facebook The Official Cream

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban reggaeton playerThe cream (Luis Alberto Vicet) premiered his songPassport, where he criticizes the current Cuban immigration crisis with political humor.

"Passport. That's the name of my new theme song. Based on the Cuban reality that exists today. "Every person I know wants to get their passport to leave the country," the artist said on his Facebook profile.

Facebook The Official Cream

"I'm waiting to pick up mypassportbecause I have already sold the gao. "I sold all my clothes, the motorcycle, the phone and the car, I have it in pawn," the lyrics of the song begin.

It is a clear reference to the situation experienced by thousands of Cubans who sell all their belongings to raise the money that allows thememigrate, to any country far from Cuba, but in particular toNicaragua to begin a tough route by land towards the border ofUSA.

"San passport take me to the north. I can't stand it anymore. San Pasaula, I want to live in Yuma to have fortune," says a fragment of the song.

The musical theme is accompanied by another text, the prayer to the passport, which the artist recently shared on his YouTube channel.

A few days ago La Crema released aparody of vallenato The Cold Drop by Emiliano Zuleta. He modified the lyrics of the song to take a critical look at the Cuban exodus.

"I found out that he sold the house and with that he left, because with so many blackouts he was traumatized. When he arrived at the border they gave him a fear test. He got in such a way that they were going to deport him because they didn't believe him," he says. the song.

The musician for some years was part of the orchestra ofCandide Fabré. He then began his solo career and stood out in 2020 when he composed a song in support of theSan Isidro Movement. On that occasion he called on Cuban civil society to show solidarity with the strikers and to fight for freedom.

La Crema has become the reggaeton singer who sings to Cuban news. In the lyrics of his songs he uses political satire to humorously reflect on current events in the country.

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