La Crema dedicates reggaeton to ETECSA: "Tell me why"

La Crema shows funny images of Cubans trying to connect, who may climb on top of a piece of furniture or a car, or climb a tree.

La Crema ©

This article is from 1 year ago

Cuban reggaeton artist Luis Alberto Vicet, known as La Crema, dedicated a song to the company ETECSA in which he questions why Internet access in Cuba continues to be so bad.

Under the title "ETECSA, tell me why", La Crema's song puts its finger on one of the problems that the Cuban people face, due to the poor work of the entity that exercises a monopoly on communications in the Island.

"I want to know why, why, there is such a bad Internet connection. Why, they turned off the power and the Internet went away. 4G doesn't work well for me. ETECSA tell me why"says the chorus.

In the video clip, La Crema shows funny images of Cubans trying to connect, and to do so they climb on top of a piece of furniture or a car, or climb a tree.

The singer touches on one of the most criticized points of the company, and that is the high price of the service.

"Please tell me until when, if I am paying you for this service. And instead of getting better, it's getting worse. My tacos are wearing out and you are charging me", dice.

La Crema is a reggaeton artist who in his songs criticizes current Cuban problems through humor, as a form of social denunciation.

He recently released a parody of The flying cat, a hit from the late 90s, which It served as a basis for singing to the figure of the sponsor.

"Now you can go to the United States, so you can leave Cuba because this is screwed. A new law came out, they talked about parole and the only thing missing is a sponsor, a sponsor...", sings La Crema.

In November premiere Passport, in which he criticizes the Cuban immigration crisis with political humor and that, as he explained on his Facebook, is based on the reality that is experienced every day, because "every person I know wants to get their passport to leave the country."

"I'm waiting to pick up my passport because I've already sold the gao. I sold all my clothes, the motorcycle, the phone and the car, I have it in pawn", the song begins.

Days before the artist premiered a parody of vallenato The cold drop, where he gave another critical look, from humor, at the Cuban exodus that shows the feelings of thousands who arrive on US territory and fear being repatriated.

"I found out that he sold the house and with that he left, because with so many blackouts he was traumatized. When he arrived at the border, they gave him a fear test. He got in such a way that they were going to deport him because they didn't believe him."says the song.

"I'm not returning to Cuba. I no longer have a home in Cuba. Hey, I'm not coming back to Cuba, if they deport me I'll jump on a raft. Let's see if that raft arrives, then I'll go by boat. All my friends have gone outside, and I'm even going on the ironing board"says the chorus.

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