Relatives ofCuban migrants detained in thesouthern border of the United States They ask for help so that they are notdeported to Cuba for failing to pass credible fear interview.
“We live in fear that today they will call me and that someone will tell me that my husband has already been deported to Cuba or that my family will tell me that he is there,” she toldTelemundo 51 Wendy Court, whose partner has been held for 50 days in a migrant detention center with a deportation order.
Santiago Sáenz, Court's husband, is detained for allegedly failing to pass a credible fear interview, although as she told the television channel "they never did it to her."
“In Cuba he would not have a life. There the only thing that would be his broken dreams and his deprivation of freedom. For a credible scary interview. "What more credible fear than Cuba?" Court argued.
“I ask the congressmen, everyone who can, to raise their voices because they are not going to regret helping us, because we Cubans are not going to let them down,” also said the desperate Cuban migrant, who arrived in the United States in last October, after irregularly crossing several borders and even having been kidnapped on the journey.
This last weekA group of Cubans demonstrated in front of the headquarters of the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the city of Miramar, in Broward County, to ask that their relatives detained at the southern border of the United States not be deported by the authorities to the island, after failing their credible fear interview.
“I ask María Elvira to please help him, I voted for her. (...) I hope she helps him because she is helping the Cubans”, he said almost through tears in statements toAmerica Camel a man whose son remains stranded on the southern border.
Among Cubans whose relatives remain detained there are cases in which some members of a family unit, mainly elderly or women, were released, but the men were not.
The decision to grant credible fear rests with immigration officials and “it is usually arbitrary,” according to the aforementioned media.
This is the case of a Cuban whose mother was released underparole but his brother and nephew remain detained at the border. Another citizen of the island said that she entered with her husband, but they ended up releasing her while he was taken to an immigration center.
“If a person does not pass the credible fear interview, this person has a second chance, in that case in front of an immigration judge. However, if that judge reaffirms the immigration officer's decision, since Cuba is not accepting deportees, it may be that Cubans will have the opportunity to leave and wait for deportation outside of prison," said lawyer Ismael Labrada.
The same source pointed out that if the two credible fear opportunities are disapproved, the possibilities of stopping deportations are more complicated, but they exist.
Meanwhile, last week it was news that theICE once again summoned Cubans with deportation orders in South Florida, almost the same 40 Cubans with deportation orders asThey were arrested in October after attending appointments with immigration authorities, andreleased days later after protests from his relatives.
Two weeks ago it was learned that the United Statescould soon begin deporting Cubans detained at the border with Mexico, a measure by the Biden administration to stop the migratory wave from the island.
The decision was made because theCuban government will inform that it is willing to accept deportation flights under an agreement between both countries to restart visa processing for Cubans who wish to enter the United States legally starting in January 2023.
In recent days, the regime declared that it is waiting forThe United States sets a date for migrant deportation flights.
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