Ricardo Montaner asks for freedom for Cuban rapper Maykel Osorbo in a Christmas message

He recalled that the Cuban activist is in a maximum security prison in Cuba, sick and full of sores.

Maykel Osorbo/Ricardo Montaner © Captura Twitter/ Ricardo Montaner/ Facebook/ Maykel Osorbo
Maykel Osorbo/Ricardo Montaner Photo © Captura Twitter/ Ricardo Montaner/ Facebook/ Maykel Osorbo

This article is from 1 year ago

The singer-songwriter Ricardo Montaner He asked for freedom for the Cuban rapper and political prisoner Maykel Osorbo in a Christmas message to all his followers on Twitter.

"The world continues to spin, while we celebrate Christmas with our loved ones and in freedom, Maykel (Osorbo) is kept in a maximum security prison, sick and full of sores. #FreeMaykelOsorbo #VidaParaMaykelOsorbo", the Argentine-Venezuelan artist wrote about the Cuban rapper on Christmas Eve.

At the end of last October, Montaner also raised his voice for the Cuban activist, imprisoned since May 2021, as part of the Casla Institute's campaign to make political prisoners around the world visible.

"Maykel Osorbo is a political prisoner, a young boy who is in the Cuban prisons. Maykel Osorbo is also a composer, an integral part of the group that wrote 'Patria y Vida' and is right now in the Cuban prison paying because they told him that "He was a danger to society," Montaner said on that occasion through a video on social networks.

The singer of songs like "Tan amoros" and "Me va a strange" said that from that moment on he would sponsor the Cuban rapper and make his case known to the world, out of "the need for people to know that while everything is happening Around us there are people who are unjustly rotting in prisons.

"I want to be your godfather and I want to make your problem visible, I want to make visible what is happening with you, a very big hug," the renowned artist highlighted two months ago.

The video was shared on social networks by the rapper and also composer of "Patria y Vida", El Funky, who thanked Montaner for the support.

"Blessings, Montaner, for your support, brother. Maykel and all Cubans who want change in our long-suffering island are very grateful to you," said El Funky.

The Casla Institute aims to study and defend human rights in Latin America and launched the campaign "Sponsor a political prisoner in the world", which seeks to make public figures make these cases visible.

After that first message of support, the Cuban musician thanked the singer-songwriter for supporting their cause.

In a message posted on the wall of Facebook of the activist Anamely Ramos, Osorbo confessed that he is proud that an artist as renowned as Montaner is sponsoring him.

"For me it is an immense pride to know that a genius in the art of romantic songs like you, supports my cause in such difficult times like these," he expressed.

"There is no better news for me than knowing that a great artist of his stature understands the ethical principles of the Christian religion and the Kingdom of Heaven," he added.

Osorbo expressed that his greatest desire is to raise his children, but that the totalitarian regime that prevails on the Island does not allow it, simply because he thinks differently.

"The Lord already said it: a new judgment will come, a great tribulation will come and with them our Lord Jesus Christ will become visible as the only priest of the order of Melchizedek and then the world will be perfect," he recalled.

"But believe me, Godfather, these people who have ruled our Island totally for 63 years can only be children of their father the devil," he stated.

Osorbo was sentenced to nine years in prison for the alleged crimes of outrage to the symbols of the country, contempt, defamation of institutions and organizations and heroes and martyrs, attack, resistance and public disorder.

His freedom has been demanded by Cuban activists, international and non-governmental organizations, as well as politicians, governments and artists from different parts of the world.

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