Remediesonce again celebrated its traditionalParrandas, after almost three years without being able to carry them out due to the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.
Thepopular festivals where two neighborhoods of Remedios face each other, theSan Salvador, represented by the Rooster and theCarmen, identified with the Gavilán, were held this weekend.

"Remedies, thebirthplace of Parrandas, shone theDec. 24 as never before. Beautiful demonstration of party art. My congratulations to the San Salvador and El Carmen neighborhoods. A Carpentier night: wonderfully real," said user Félix Alexis Correa Álvarez on Facebook.
Numerous videos circulate on social networks with thepyrotechnics that characterize these parties, as well as images of thebeautiful floats and the costumes worn by both sides.
TheRemedios Parrandas They are traditional festivals that have been celebrated since the 19th century in the Villa Clara municipality of the same name. They are characterized by having secrets in the preparation of outfits, as well as in the selection of designs and by having "spies" who try to ruin the surprise of the opposing neighborhood at the festival.
Both neighborhoods work all year round to make their floats and costumes more lavish and surprising than those of the opposite. They carry out everything in absolute silence, preventing the opposing side from getting clues about what they will present.
The resources to make the floats and costumes are managed by the community itself. The sequins, threads, fabrics and beads, everything, comes from abroad or is recycled from previous events. The artistic and costume designs are so important that there are institutions in the city where many of these works are treasured.
The Las Parrandas festival is deeply rooted in popular tradition, so when a few months ago it was questioned whether or not it was appropriate to hold them in the midst of the current energy crisis, there was a strong debate and the population took a stand in defense of the festivities. after more than two years if I can do them.
The authorities of Villa Clara agreed in October that they would continue carrying out the historic events in 2022.Remedios Parrandas, declaredWorld Heritage Site in 2018.
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