Government does not deliver the entire sugar quota in Artemisa

There is a deficit of two pounds per consumer in December and the problem could repeat itself this month.

Bodega de Cuba (imagen de referencia) ©

This article is from 1 year ago

The government of Artemisa, in western Cuba,did not deliver the entire regulated sugar quota to the population because they do not have enough resources.

The provincial authorities closed December with adebt of two pounds for each consumer. Among the reasons for the deficit, they point out the unproductivity of the territory's power plants.

Alfredo Ramos Quesada, provincial director of Commerce, Gastronomy and Services, told Artemis DiariO that they will soon begin the distribution to the warehouses of the pounds of sugar that are missing from last month.

However, thepower plants are not grinding cane, nor producing sugar and that could also leave a deficit in January. Frank Paredes Bencomo, communicator of the Agroindustrial Sugar Company, explained that the milling was to start on December 15 and they have not yet done so.

The socialist company claims to haveproblems synchronizing turbogenerators of the Treinta de Noviembre Central, in San Cristóbal.

Central Harlem and Treinta de Noviembre hadproductive instability in the previous contest and the harvest began with delays in both plants. They also claimed to have a malfunction in one of the turbogenerators that had been in operation for 40 years.

Artemisa asked other provinces for help to cover thesugar deficit of the basic basket from December. Thanks to this, they have been able to deliver the product to the warehouses, but it is not known what will happen in January.

This Friday it was reported that thedebacle of the Cuban sugar industry It is such that it only produces a little more than half of what was projected, 69% of the planned plan due to the delay in the start-up of five plants.

The leaders of this sector have told the official press that they have productive problems due to the lack of financing, delays in the arrival of cane and the energy crisis.

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