Guantánamo without sugar or rice to complete the basic basket

With three days left in the month of March, the Guantánamo government admitted that it did not have rice or sugar to complete the basic regulated family basket.

Gobierno de Guantánamo admitió no tener arroz y azúcar para dar a la población. Imagen de refrencia. © Periódico Venceremos
Guantanamo Government admitted not having rice and sugar to give to the population. Reference image. Photo © Periódico Venceremos

The government of the province of Guantánamo admitted not having rice and sugar, two of the most important products in the Cuban diet, to complete the basic regulated family basket, three days before the end of March.

During a meeting chaired by Alis Azahares Torreblanca, governor of the territory, it was reported that the 864 tons of rice that are in the port of Santiago de Cuba, necessary to complete the delivery of the missing four pounds, have not yet been transferred, since before They sold two to the entire town.

According to a report from the official newspaper We will win, although the first two pounds of sugar were distributed, 360 tons are required to satisfy the territory's demand.

“To date there are only a little more than 40 produced at the Argeo Martínez plant,” stated the publication, which did not explain where the government will get the missing 320 tons.

Only the municipality of Caimanera and eight Niceto wineries have seven pounds of rice and four of sugar complete, the rest of the province, three days before the end of the month, lives an uncertain future with the products of the basic family basket.

The official newspaper points out that products such as beans and oil, the latter corresponding to the month of February, are also pending "in warehouses located in areas of difficult access in the municipalities of El Salvador, Manuel Tames and Yateras."

The situation with meat products is not much different.

At the same meeting it was learned that “Caimanera, Imías and part of the city of Guantánamo received the chicken, the rest of the population will receive the food when the missing 60 tons arrive in the province, which plans to conclude its sale on the 31st. of March".

“Canned meat remains in distribution, the stability of which depends on the progressive entry of raw materials into Guaso,” the newspaper noted. We will win.

The press outlet points out that there is “encouraging news” because “a first container of powdered milk arrived at Guantánamo, and another three will arrive this week, this will make it possible to deliver the food to the infants, to cover the first days.” of the month of April.”

The Cuban regime increasingly supplies the basic needs of the population less and less, and that was one of the reasons that caused the March 17 protests in different cities across the nation.

To calm popular discontent Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Santiago de Cuba, promised to quickly deliver three pounds of rice and four pounds of sugar.

The cries of the population to the authorities were very clear: "We are hungry", "Homeland and Life", "We do not want teeth." The immediate reaction of the regime was send a truck with food to calm the desperation of the popular masses.

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