Luis Robles' mother falls ill because of her imprisoned children

“I will leave the networks for a while, but not from the fight,” said Yindra Elizastigui when explaining the reasons why she will move away from the networks.

Madre de Luis Robles enferma por hijos encarcelados © Madre de Luis Robles y Léster Fernández
Luis Robles' mother falls ill due to imprisoned children Photo © Mother of Luis Robles and Léster Fernández

This article is from 1 year ago

The mother of the political prisoner Luis Robles He reported that he will leave social networks for a while due to serious health problems, after stress due to the imprisonment of his children.

“The fundamental objective of this publication is to let you know that due to serious health problems that I am currently experiencing, they force me to be off social networks for a while, on the recommendation of the doctor. As you can see in the photo, my face is swollen, my heart is a little big, I am almost diabetic and my blood pressure is a little uncontrolled, all due to stress (which anyone who knows medicine knows leads to many diseases),” he noted this Sunday. in Facebook Yindra Church

He also commented that “everyone knows what my fundamental fight is (the freedom of my children), which I will not rest until I achieve it).”

Capture Facebook/ Yindra Elizastigui

Likewise, he reiterated that “it is precisely because of them that I will take this break and because I also know that I can count on you to continue asking and demanding your freedom. “I will leave the networks for a while, but not from the fight.”

In July 2022, Yindra broke the silence on social networks to denounce the mistreatment of her son Luis Robles in prison, where he fulfills a five year sentence for protesting with a sign on a central street in Havana.

Robles, convicted of the crimes of enemy propaganda, contempt and disobedience, was forced to leave his cell in the early morning hours and undress in an office in front of leaders of the Combinado del Este prison and members of State Security. He was then photographed without clothes, the woman reported in a video uploaded to her Facebook profile on that occasion.

In mid-January of this year, He also reported that his son Lester Fernández Elizastigui was arrested and was in prison for an alleged case of attempted illegal departure from the country..

The mother of both young people reported on social networks that her second son, Lester, was arrested on December 19 when he was with a group of people who were building a boat in Havana and that they kept him imprisoned in the Valle Grande Penitentiary Center. .

He explained that on the day of Lester's arrest he was transferred to the Cojímar National Revolutionary Police (PNR) Unit. In that place a State Security officer asked him if he was the brother of Luis Robles.

"Coincidences happen very rarely in life. Lester is currently in Valle Grande, where he was transferred on December 23 and is still there. Along with him, they arrested 6 or 7 people, and released them with a fine of 3 thousand pesos have been free on the street since December 19," said Yindra.

Lester and another person from the group of detainees were transferred to Villa Marista, where the State Security Directorate is located. The mother does not understand why they have had this behavior with him, which she claims is due to her filial bond with Luis Robles.

"Is this perhaps retaliation for being Lester Fernández Elizastigui brother of Luis Robles Elizastigui? "I want to make the world aware of Lester's arrest for attempted illegal departure, so called because State Security wants it, because Lester was not caught at sea, they found him participating in the construction of a boat," said the mother.

Unlike the other detainees who received fines of 3,000 pesos and were released the same day, in Lester's case the penalty is 7,000 pesos and he remains in prison. The political police told Yindra that the fine is for illegal construction of a boat.

"As a mother I will continue to report because, as everyone knows, my son Luis Robles is suffering imprisonment for an unjust sentence of five years in prison," said Yindra.

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