Late Castro dolls unleashed

The lying teque makes waves in the oldest dictatorship in the West.

This article is from 1 year ago

The companionsLis Cuesta Peraza andRogelio Polanco Fuentes They have ideological problems because they can't quite find the right place or tone for their childish nonsense.

Polanco He is a mixture of a traditional priest and a childish noisemaker, who wearily recites his Lord's Prayer of placidity and resignation in the face of disaster and communist impoverishment; like that little girl who used to bend down and bend down again, because if you don't bend down you don't know how to play...

The Manichaeism of the head of the ideological group collides with the rationality and effectiveness of a world that moves towards 5G and the majority of Cuban youth dreams of supersonic bandwidth and not of the gray epic ofPolanco; savior of lost souls and voice of their masters.

Because ofRogelio PolancoThe National Assembly had to postpone the debate on the new Social Communication Law; a repressive, crazy and wasteful text like so many occurrences of late Castroism; but the olive green and guayaberada caste does not eat fear, and turns every setback into victory, and even intends to reform international legislation to protect the people, who have not asked to be protected even the head of a guanajo.

If so much sleeplessness causes inPolanco the attacks against communication in the world, how do you explain that you have been unable to protect the journalist and comedianJorge Fernandez Era, recently cited by State Security?

The member of the Political Bureau of the anti-Cuban communist party toldRebellionthat he has a plan to "take social networks from the enemy"; The laughter can still be heard at the South Pole.

Let's see,Rogelio, if your government does not even have the means to refund the amount of the air tickets between Nueva Gerona and Havana; How are you going to take anything from anyone? Stop your outbursts and, if you believed the story, that the M-26-7 took the enemy's weapons; Worse for you.

The wife of the Cuban president wastes no opportunity to show that her diffuse status as a traveling consort has accentuated her obsession with militant stardom.

A CostsIt is difficult for him to find his place in the Havana gang and despite his "brilliant" doctoral thesis; so-calledAbel Prieto, jumping he goes, jumping he comes between snacks, shopping and solemnities, where he gives free rein to his appetite, superficiality and silliness, as in his recent exaltation ofIroel Sánchez and the convenience of changing the schedule of your television schedule.

Years ago, Cubans electedGullible andHe package as audience leaders and the healthiest thing would be to close national and provincial television and put in the hands ofLuis Silva, its talented scriptwriters and the managers of thepackage a sensible and profitable channel with advertising; away from the pernicious influence ofIroel, Polanco andLis, among other brainless people from Bejuco ubí.

What do you think?


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opinion article: The statements and opinions expressed in this article are the exclusive responsibility of its author and do not necessarily represent the point of view of CiberCuba.

Carlos Cabrera Pérez

CiberCuba journalist. He has worked at Granma Internacional, Prensa Latina, IPS and EFE agencies correspondents in Havana. Director Tierras del Duero and Sierra Madrileña in Spain.

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