Lis Cuesta denounces Israel's "cruelty" against the people of Gaza

Miguel Díaz-Canel's wife gave an interview during a propaganda event for the Cuban regime attended by more than 100 international guests to exchange on the "challenges of progressive communication" in the world.

The official of the Ministry of Culture (MINCULT) and “not first lady” of Cuba,Lis Cuesta Peraza, denounced the “cruelty” of the State of Israel against the people of Gaza, at a time when her husband's government,Miguel Diaz-Canel, represses peaceful protesters in Cuba and deepens the inequality and injustice prevailing in the Cuban regime.

“We are witnessing a massive extermination that has focused its evil on women and children. We are not talking about a war between the military.It is false that it is Israel against Hamas. “No, it is against an entire people,” the official stated to the Arab channel.Al Mayadeen.

Participant in the III Patria International Colloquium, attended by more than a hundred guests from 31 countries to discuss the communication of “progressive” content, Cuesta Peraza referred to Israel as a genocidal State that commits war crimes in Gaza.

While her husband congratulates the re-elected Russian autocrat, Vladimir Putin, accused of "war criminal” and genocidal by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the "sensitive" wife of the ruler shows her empathy towards the Palestinian civilian victims while ignoring and despising the Ukrainian ones,massacred by indiscriminate Russian bombings, the most important ally for Havana at this time.

“It is a massacre… every day we see the faces of children, of destroyed families… We see that, at the moment in which some sustenance is going to arrive for that town, in the middle of that battle, suddenly right there they are attacked,” said the event organizer, describing the suffering of the Palestinians.

Promoter of luxurious gastronomic festivals for foreigners in CubaCuesta Peraza described as “cruel” Israel's military actions in its fight against the Hamas terrorists who invaded its territories on October 7,causing a horrendous massacre of civilians, kidnapping a hundred of them, in addition to committing rapes against young people and women and torture among those arrested.

“Do you realize what level of cruelty Israel is reaching? "We are not facing a war that has codes, we are not facing a war that enforces what the world dictates internationally, we are facing a genocide, facing an extermination," said the wife of the ruler appointed by the dictator.Raul Castro.

Identified byAl Mayadeen As “director of MINCULT events and wife of the president of Cuba,” Cuesta Peraza showed empathy towards the Palestinian people that she does not show towards her own people, to whom she constantly directs propagandistic, indoctrinating messages that promote hatred and division among Cubans. who, in their mentality, are classified between “revolutionaries” and “haters.”

Concerned about the hunger and lack of protection of the Gazan civilian population, subject to the domination of the terrorist group Hamas,the owner of a Cartier watch valued at more than $10,000, luxury bags and dresses and a regular companion on her husband's international trips,He did not refer to the shortage of food and medicine that Cubans suffer..

Surrounded by a court of communicators concerned about “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the legal, economic, narrative and activism challenges in the networks of the Global South,” Cuesta Peraza gladly granted an interview to an Arab media outlet that, according to intelligence agencies, Westerners, serves as a propaganda platform for Iran and Hezbollah and is financed by them.

It is not the first time that Díaz-Canel's wife refers to the Israeli "genocide", a topic that now occupies a good part of her messages on social networks, while Cuba heads into a growing abyss due to ineptitude and her husband's servility towards the leadership of the totalitarian regime.

"The humanitarian situation is extremely catastrophic and unsustainable and the siege implemented, especially in Gaza and the northern governorates, almost deprives more than a million people of getting a glass of water or a piece of bread," Cuesta Peraza told the end of October.

His message, as always, provoked a wave of indignant comments from Cubans who reminded him of the deprivations of the population on the Island, which they compared to those of Gaza,"but without bombs".

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