The feminist platformIYesI Believe in Cubaopened a support line for people affected by gender violence, after the foreseeable increase in femicides on the island.
On its Facebook profile that organization published the telephone number52652798, through which it will be providedcounseling, legal advice and psychological help atpeople affected by gender violence.
The service will beMonday to Friday in the hours of10:00 am a 1:00 pm and of02:00 pm to 07:00 pm.
It supports not only calls from cell phones, but also SMS, and contacts through WhatsApp and Messenger. From a landline the person can call using *99, the publication highlights.
"If you find yourself in a situation of gender violence and need legal support, do not hesitate to request our counseling service at the Support Line for People Affected by Gender Violence," he stressed.
This initiative joins the third call from feminist organizations to declareState of emergency in Cuba due to gender violence, after at least15 femicides in so far this year.
That figure is just the tip of the iceberg, which independent civil society organizations can confirm, since the government has not released the actual records on thedeaths of women at the hands of feminicides since 2016, whenabout 50 were counted: 0.99 x every 100 thousand women out of a total of 5,703,178 women in the country.
The Cuban regime has also not responded to the requests of these platforms to take concrete actions to protect women. The new Cuban penal code also failed to classify the crime of femicide, and the Assembly of People's Power continues to postpone debates on a Gender Law, despite the claims of thousands of Cuban women who feel defenseless on the island.
One of the latest femicides reported was that of a 17-year-old teenager who died at the hands of her 50-year-old ex-partner in the same police station where she went to desperately ask for help.
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