Young Cuban murdered in Granma

The crime was committed on March 30.

A 26-year-old Cuban was stabbed to death on Saturday in the Niquero municipality, in the Granma province.

The crime was allegedly carried out by the ex-partner of a young woman with whom the victim was beginning a love relationship, according to journalist Yosmany Mayeta on social networks based on the testimony of relatives of the murdered Cuban.

The deceased young man - who was the father of two boys, ages two and five - has been identified as Yulién Martínez Reytor.

According to the testimony of Coralia Reytor, mother of the deceased, her son went out to a street party in a place known as “La Terraza”, located in front of the Plaza Grande and the Bodegón, in the aforementioned municipality of Granma.

While Yulién was dancing with the girl with whom he was starting a romantic relationship, the young woman's ex -named “Norgito”- arrived and stabbed him a single time. Coralia specified that her son and the aggressor had no other problems.

“The murderer was the girl's husband and apparently he killed my son out of jealousy.”, the grieving mother, who asks for justice, told the aforementioned source.

After being stabbed, Yulién was taken to the Gelacio Calaña La Hera municipal hospital, but his life could not be saved.

“When they notified us, they had it in the Morgue. “I am devastated, I have no life”, the woman concluded.

The young man was buried at 8:00 a.m. this Monday in the Niquero cemetery. An uncle of the murdered young man spoke a few words in which he thanked the residents of the municipality for their support and recounted what his last meeting with his nephew was like.

“I thank the people of Niquero very much for having accompanied us in this great pain that we have. We thank all these people who have accompanied us,” said the man.

“We went fishing about three days ago and he told me: 'man, I'm going through this problem with this woman and I told him: 'get away from there, my son,' and he told me with these words: 'man, you have to live life because That's the only thing that will leave us memories', and it is true that he left us memories, a pain so great that we will never forget it,” concluded the relative of the murdered young man.

In the presence of dozens of family members, friends and relatives of Yulién Martínez, the young man's mother demanded justice for the death of her son.

“I want to say one thing, so that everyone can hear me. I am the mother of Yulién Martínez Reytor and I want justice, because my son here in Niquero was stabbed with 47 points and they did not do justice. “I want justice, justice and justice,” he said.

In the comments section of Yosmany Mayeta Labrada's publication, dozens of people were concerned about the growing violence in Cuba and demanded that the authorities take a tough line on bloody events, particularly those in which there is loss of human life.

Others emphasized the number of men who cannot resign themselves to losing a woman, which leads them to make attacks on the lives of their ex-partners or against the new romantic relationships they undertake, as in this case.

“Does that murderer own that girl? Who told any man that here no one is obliged to be with anyone? Why do we women have to live with the fear of being mistreated when a relationship ends? If this is not stopped, killing is going to become a sport,” questioned a woman.

“Why take someone's life in such a cowardly way and without reason or motive? When will many men understand that no woman is anyone's property? Today another mother is crying again for the loss of a son, they must do justice for the loss of this young son, brother, friend and also father of two innocent children,” argued another woman.

As of the closing of this note, official sources have not commented on the case.

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