Another allegedmurder This Sunday moved Cuban citizens who denounced the crime on social networks and expressed their concern about the spiral of violence that is shaking the country, with daily news of robberies, armed robberies and bloody crimes.
“Just a few hours ago another murder occurred in Cuba, precisely in my own neighborhood, so this one, in particular, touches me closely and has left me with a horrible feeling. This time it was one of the CVPs from the primary school where I studied, called Celia Sánchez, from the José Martí Reparto, in Santa Clara,” reported the Cuban activist.Jonathan Lopez.
The victim of the alleged crime would be called Miguel Contino Moro, “a man, according to what they tell me, who lived alone and was a friend of everyone,” described the activist, the activist's partner.Roxana García Lorenzo and brother-in-law of the political prisonerAndy Garcia Lorenzo, peaceful protester duringthe historic 11J protests in Cuba.
“They took his life in cold blood with a knife in the early hours of today [Sunday]. He was stabbed several times, all to steal some old TVs and PCs, or even food, some say. But everyone agrees on something, they murdered him,” López said.
At the time of writing this note, neither the authorities nor the official media have commented on the event, which occurs in the midst of a growing trend towards the commission of violent crimes by Cuban criminals.
In itspublication, López warned the police and other repressive bodies of the Cuban regime of the neglect of their surveillance and security functions in the streets. Instead of guaranteeing order and citizen tranquility, Cuban repressors dedicate their resources to monitoring, harassing and threatening activists and people who express their desire for change in Cuba.
“This poor man was murdered in part because of you, because the real criminals are on the loose, since none of you are there for what you have to be there for, which is to protect the people and prevent this from happening,” he said.
López's complaint was confirmed by the comments of other Cuban Internet users who said they had witnessed the police deployment and heard versions of what happened.
“Earlier today I passed by there like every Sunday and I could see a wide display of military cars,” said a user identified on Facebook as Guillermo Del Sol Pérez, whom an “eyewitness” to what happened described as a horrendous death.
This alleged witness reported that the victim had been “brutally” murdered, with “viciousness,” and that he had been left “unrecognizable.”
For its part, in the Facebook group‘José Martí distribution in Santa Clara’, the user identified as Ara Fentes, a neighbor of the aforementioned neighborhood, also referred to the macabre event.
“Now a murder in one of our primary schools, a worker (custodian). It's worrying, we have enough food problems every day, and now this. Soon you won't even be able to leave the house," denounced the user, lamenting the increase in robberies and violence in the city.
More and more citizens are publicly expressing their concerns regarding the insecurity that is being experienced in the country due to crime exacerbated by the crisis, inflation, shortages, blackouts and the massive exodus of Cubans, and they are undertaking some after getting the money they need through violent and criminal means.
In mid-February, the CubanDaily Alba He demanded that the authorities find the person responsible for the death of his 76-year-old grandfather,murdered 9 months ago, and that he lived alone on his farm in Ceibabo, a town in the Manicaragua municipality, in Villa Clara. The old man would have received 22 stab wounds before dying.
Days later, social networks echoed themurder of a young Cuban in his own home, presumably to rob him. It happened in the city of Matanzas and the victim was identified asJesus Alfonso Sanchez.
In statements toCyberCuba, His relatives said he was stabbed this week in his own home in order to rob him. In addition, they confirmed that the police arrested a suspect who confessed to the crime and then a reconstruction of the events was carried out in the house.
“How long will we continue with this wave of violence that is being experienced in Cuba, until when will the loss of human life and insecurity take over our streets. Is it no longer safe to walk or live here? We must put a stop to this wave of assaults, femicides, it is time to take action,” commented one of the victim's friends on Facebook.
Last Wednesday, the police arrested the alleged murderer ofYanquiel Jimenez Hernandez, the 19-year-old Cubanrecently stabbed to death in the Jatibonico municipality, in the province of Sancti Spíritus
The crime occurred between 2:00 and 2:30 in the morning on Wednesday, February 15. Minutes after being stabbed by a person, the young Yanquiel appeared asking for help on the public road while bleeding.
One person was arrested and, according to official media, had confessed to the crime, in which three other people were allegedly involved.
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