Cuban shows huge garbage can on a street in Havana: "This is sad"

The waste containers are overflowing and then people threw their waste to form a gigantic landfill on the corner of San Rafael and Gervasio.

This article is from 1 year ago

A Cuban citizen showed ahuge garbage dump on a street in Havana and assured that the situation "is sad."

Jordanka Battle More showed the accumulation of garbage on the corner of San Rafael and Gervasio, in Old Havana, where the waste containers are overflowing and then people threw their waste to form a gigantic landfill, as revealed in a video published this Monday inFacebook.

Facebook / Jordanka Battle More

"For everyone who said that the streets belonged to the revolutionaries, please let the revolutionaries pick up the trash a little bit because this is sad," Battle Moré, who gained visibility on social networks, said in his broadcast. after freely expressing his thoughts afterstay hours in a queue in Havana, questioning the government for forcing citizens to fight over a package of mincemeat.

Comedians, activists and citizens in general have not stopped complaining about the unsanitary conditions that can be seen in many neighborhoods in Cuba.

The Cuban comedian Otto Ortiz denounced the inaction of the Cuban authoritiesand he gave as an example the garbage dump in his neighborhood, one of the many that infect towns and cities in Cuba.

The official press, separating the government from all responsibility for the filth of many streets,blamed citizens for garbagethat remains in several areas of Havana and justified the public accumulation of waste with the lack of resources of the municipal Communal Services companies.

Dozens of Havana residents and social media users have denounced the numerous garbage dumps that proliferate in the Cuban capital, which has worsened the epidemiological situation on previous occasions and has generated unrest among its residents, like Battle Moré now.

During the last few months, Yordanka Battle has suffered harassment and threats from State Security for expressing her complaints publicly and has been subjected to interrogations, causing other activists and human rights defenders to show public support for her in different scenarios.

The SE even threatened to accuse her ofalleged crime of instigation to commit a crime, but despite the repression and harassment, Battle Morécelebrated the decision to think and expressfreely in Cuba.

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