Guinness Records recognizes Canadian twins as the most premature in the world

These twins were born four months before the indicated date and are considered "miracle babies."

 Los gemelos más prematuros y más ligeros nacieron en Canadá © YouTube Guinness World Records
The preemie and lightest twins were born in Canada Foto © YouTube Guinness World Records

This article is from 1 year ago

BrothersAdiah y Adrial Nadarajah They have the Guinness Record for being the most premature babies and many people consider them "miracle children" who have managed to survive thanks to the development of science and the tremendous love that their parents have put into taking care of them.

These little ones were born in Canada, four months earlier than indicated, just when their mother was 22 weeks pregnant.

Guinness World Records, recognized the Nadarajah babies as the most premature and lightest twins ever born. Before this case the record was held byEwoldt twins who were born in Iowa at 22 weeks and one day of gestation.

Shakina Rajendram and Kevin Nadarajah, are the parents of Adiah and Adrial. At the beginning of the twin pregnancy they had to face a very difficult moment when their doctor told them that the babies were not "viable."

"As I heard those words come out of the doctor's mouth, I stillI could feel the babies very alive inside me. I couldn't understand how they couldn't be viable," Shakina toldCNN.

The 35-year-old woman and her 37-year-old partner lived in Ajax, Ontario, 56 km east of Toronto. They had the bitter experience of losing a first pregnancy and were not willing to let history repeat itself. They were going to fight for their babies with all their might.

They searched for information on the Internet and discovered that theHospital Mount Sinai, in Toronto. The medical center could provide assistance to her little ones, but the pregnancy had to reach 22 weeks and Shakina was only 21 weeks and five days pregnant.

HeMarch 4, 2022At just 22 weeks of gestation, the girl was bornAdiah Laelynn Nadarajah. Its weight was less than 340 grams. His brother,Adriaal Luka Nadarajah, came into the world 23 minutes later weighing less than 425 grams.

"For us they wereperfect in every way (...) They were born smaller than the palm of our hands. "People still don't believe us when we tell them," said the twins' father.

The couple explained that doctors have a strict protocol of non-intervention before 22 weeks. The parents acknowledged that they did not understand the reasons, but they respected the decision until the parameters for action were met.

At birth, the twins went directly to the neonatal intensive care unit. Shakina and Kevin understood, when they saw them for the first time, the magnitude of the challenge that the doctors had to keep the little ones alive and make them thrive.

The chief pediatrician at Mount Sinai Hospital,Dr. Prakesh Shah, said that this case left many questions among doctors because the delicacy of the patients made them wonder what was the right thing to do.

"The babies were suffering a lot of pain and anguish, their skin was peeling off. Even removing the surgical tape would cause their skin to peel off," the doctor said. However, thehope and strength that the parents put for encouraging her babies became a driving force for everyone.

Medical treatments forpremature twins They lasted almost half a year in the hospital, with very sad moments and setbacks in the children's development, especially during the first weeks of life.

Adiah was the first to have all the parameters in order to go home. She achieved it after spending 161 days hospitalized. His brother Adrial achieved it six days later, in August 2022, although he has had to be in the hospital again at least three times.

Thecanadian twins They will have to maintain their check-ups with specialists and various types of therapies, but they develop favorably and master all the skills typical of children their age.

"Our babiesThey are happy, healthy and active, they breathe and feed themselves, they roll over, they babble all the time, they grow well, play and enjoy life as babies," Kevin said.

Adiah and Adrial's parents are aware that thepremature birth of a baby can bring health complications, in the initial stage and later, but they have stated thatThey don't expect perfect children.. They focus on providing them with the greatest possible stability in their home, and love, that great impulse that they have not lacked since they were conceived.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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