Requests to get a passport in Sancti Spíritus are tripled

The increase in requests for procedures generates long queues in the offices and delays in the management of documents.

Pasaportes cubanos (imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Cuban passports (reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

This article is from 1 year ago

The Ministry of the Interior (MININT) assured that they haveCuban passport applications tripled in the province of Sancti Spíritus, in the center and south of Cuba.

"A large number of procedures are concentrated in the municipalities, currently with a large influx of public, fundamentally marked by people's interest in obtaining passports. In relation to previous periods, applications have tripled," said the lieutenant colonelJuan Antonio Vazquez, a Escambray.

According to Vázquez, there is agreater demand for immigration procedures, passport applications and identity card in Sancti Spíritus, a province that has offices for procedures in its eight municipalities, although not all of them are serving the population.

Likewise, he referred toproblems accessing shifts, with long waits of up to three months. Appointments are only delivered in person at the offices and, according to Vázquez, this procedure is national.

"This is being done at the country level. We managed to counteract theshift sale, which caused dissatisfaction in the population," he said.

Theturns to get passport, identification card or correcting errors in birth certificates and other documents are not available in all offices. The services are concentrated in the main municipality, Cabaiguán, Yaguajay and Jatibonico. This affects delays, even though they serve the public from Monday to Saturday.

The workers in charge of the proceduresCuban identity card and passport They are also responsible, since August 2022, for the permanent updating of the Voter Registry for the general elections of deputies to the National Assembly of People's Power this March 26.

"It is good for the population to know that the same people who attend to the wide range of issues that have been listed are the ones who have to reconcile daily with the representatives of the Electoral Council of all the constituencies of the eight municipalities," said the lieutenant colonel.

In February it was reportedmassive queues to obtain a passport in the MININT processing offices. Several publications showed the crowds of Cubans who want to have the official document that allows them to leave the country, in the midst of an unprecedented migration crisis.

InSantiago de Cuba The queues to obtain a passport were during the day and night, to get one of the 100 daily tickets that are delivered for the procedures.

Queues for passport proceduresThey began to increase in the summer of 2022. One of the territories that showed the most agglomerations was the city of Holguín. In December of that year the MININT said thatThe price of the Cuban passport will not increase “immediately”.

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