They publish images of the motorized hang glider in which two Cubans arrived in Florida

An additional fuel canister was attached to the device.

Imagen cercana del ala delta motorizado © YouTube/screenshot-Local10
Close up image of motorized hang glider Foto © YouTube/screenshot-Local10

This article is from 1 year ago

This Wednesday exclusive images of themotorized hang glider in which two Cuban pilots arrived to the Key West Airport on March 25.

The reporter ofLocal 10, Jainine Stanwood, took a close look at the artifact during a visit to the site of theKey West Airport where the hang glider now shares space with an old airlinerCuban Aviation, which also landed illegally two decades ago.

The hang glider next to an old Cubana plane (Source: YouTube Capture/Local 10)

The images show that the hang glider - which seen up close looks much weaker than it appears with its wings spread -It had an additional fuel canister strapped to the bottom of the device.

Additional fuel canister (Source: YouTube Capture/Local 10)

Another interesting fact isthe breakage of one of the propellers, although it is not possible to know if it broke during the flight or during the handling of the equipment after landing.

Broken motorized hang glider propeller (Source: YouTube Capture/Local 10)

The two migrants currently remain detained at the Pompano Beach Transition Center in Broward County after being processed by the United States Border Patrol in Marathon.

HeCuban Aviation Club (CAC)identified the two Cubans asDavid Lopez Alfonso (39) and Ismael Hernandez Chirin0 (28), whom he described as "deserted pilots."

The ultralight equipment used is of the “Trike” type andIt provided services in the tourist center of Playas del Este in the form of Air Sports.

The motorized hang glider took off at 8:05 am (local time) last Saturday from the Tarará residential area, in the Habana del Este municipality, and arrived at around 10:30 am at the Key West Airport.

Theofficial note He emphasized “the violation of airspace” incurred by the pilots and described as “theft” the theft of the equipment, with registration number CU-U 1619, which would be the property of the aforementioned entity.

The Aviation Club asked for the pilots the sanctions corresponding to the seriousness of the case and the return of the equipment.

A witness captured with his cell phone the moment in which the two Cubans flew over the key on a motorized hang glider, minutes before landing at the airport in that town. The video, lasting just 17 seconds, showed that the aerial device was flying stably and safely towards its target.

Motorized hang gliders consist of a motorized paraglider attached to a special harness.Their flexible wings, similar to those of gliders, allow them to travel long distances and their frame gives them great stability.

The last Cuban to arrive illegally in the United States by air was the pilot Rubén Martínez, whoHe escaped last October from Cuba in a fumigation plane.

Four months later aimmigration judge granted him political asylum after authorities denied him bail twice and sent him to an immigration detention center after appearing in court on charges of illegal entry into the country. However, not all Cubans whoThey have arrived in the United States in unique means of transportation They may have ended up staying in US territory.

An example is the Cuban Yanet Biton, whoHe escaped from the island on a jet ski in 2021, but ended up being repatriated.

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