Why is there a dog in the Twitter logo?

It is the latest change by Elon Musk after acquiring the social network. He has not explained the reasons, but he shared a meme on his profile that confirms his decision.

Pajarito de Twitter y nuevo logo de la red social © Flickr / Yuri Samoilov e Internet
Twitter bird and new logo of the social network Photo © Flickr / Yuri Samoilov e Internet

This article is from 1 year ago

Twitter just changed his iconic blue bird for adog of the Japanese breed shiba inu.

This is the latest change ofElon Musk after acquiring the popular social network, a new logo that is also seen on the screen that appears when reloading the page.

The billionaire has not explained the reasons, but he shared a meme on his profile that confirms his decision. The image shows a dog sitting at the wheel of a car, who gives a police officer his license with the photo of the blue bird and says: "That's an old photo." .

"I promised," Musk said in another tweet, sharing a screenshot of a conversation from last year, in which he joked that removing the bird logo would make him sick.

The shiba inu is a dog that is commonly used as a meme on social media. It is also the emblem of the Dogecoin cryptocurrency, created in 2013 by engineers Billy Marcus and Jackson Palmer, who chose it as the image of the currency.

The entry of the new logo to Twitter coincides with alawsuit against Musk for $258 million, filed by several people who claim to have lost money investing in Dogecoin. They accuse him of running a pyramid scheme, and of using his influence asone of the richest men in the world to drive up the price of the cryptocurrency and then let it crash.

At the same time, the exchange of the little bird for the dog has multiplied the value of the virtual currency on the stock market, where shares have risen by more than 20 percent.

In response, Musk moved to dismiss the lawsuit. His lawyers argue that Musk's support for Dogecoin on social media in 2021 is "too vague" to justify a fraud lawsuit.

"There is nothing illegal about tweeting words of support or funny images about a legitimate cryptocurrency that still has a market capitalization of almost $10 billion," they emphasize.

The image of the dog, nicknamed Doge, became famous in 2012 on Reddit. It was created two years earlier by a Japanese kindergarten teacher, who drew him sitting on a park bench. The photo went viral and in 2013 became the image of Dogecoin.

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