A Cuban who worked in an MSME was fired for posting a tweet against the government.
"By the way... Down with the dictatorship," wrote the young man identified on Twitter as El Pianista Snow last September.
Two months later, he lost his job at an advertising agency since the end of April, where he worked as a content creator for the company's clients.
"It was known to me that a couple of the agency's clients were figureheads of the Cuban government, but like the vast majority, I preferred to endure because I needed the money," he said in a Twitter thread.
According to the Cuban musician and designer, the work environment was extremely hostile and salaries were quite low. In addition, the regulations prohibited employees from speaking about the Cuban government.
"This is where the good part begins. One day I was called to the office for a meeting (it wasn't scheduled but it didn't really surprise me). When I arrived, shortly after the second in command and the head of HR met with me (I already knew that something was going badly.) With tremendous displeasure, my boss sent me this tweet, and well, my system restarted, but it was already clear that it was my last day there," he explained.
"They basically told me things like 'this is a government company' or 'we have clients that are joint ventures' and that no matter how important I was to the agency, and no matter how good my job was, they couldn't do anything but say goodbye," he added.
The young man, who is now out of the country, remembers that what happened opened his eyes, in addition to being a very hard blow to his economy, since he was left without his only source of income.
"I felt like the biggest idiot in the world for having spent months giving my all, working for figureheads and bootlickers of the Cuban dictatorship," he said.
She also admits that she hesitated to tell everything for fear that her online accounts would be blocked or her boyfriend, who had been working at the agency for almost a year, would be fired.
"This was my biggest WTF moment in 2023, a great lesson and a relief to know that I will never work for the dictatorship again," he stressed.
"It also made me realize that in Cuba there is no private sector, that all those successful MSMEs that you see are directly associated with the government and the communist system of the Island. Don't be fooled... and by the way, down with the dictatorship" , he concluded.
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