Switzerland will end development cooperation with Cuba in 2024

Swiss cooperation in Cuba has been aimed at financing programs that would provide greater autonomy to municipalities and regions.

El jefe de la diplomacia suiza Ignazio Cassis es recibido este sábado a su llegada a La Habana © Facebook / Embajada de Suiza en Cuba
The head of Swiss diplomacy Ignazio Cassis is received this Saturday upon his arrival in Havana Photo © Facebook / Swiss Embassy in Cuba

Switzerland will end development cooperation with Cuba in 2024 after more than two decades of aid.

The Swiss Embassy in Cubamade it knownthat the gradual cessation of cooperation until 2024 is one of the topics that Ignazio Cassis, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of the Swiss Confederation, will address during the official visit to Cuba that began this Saturday and will last until next Wednesday.

The end of aid has to do with the fact that Swiss bilateral development cooperation in Latin America is being progressively reduced, in accordance with the International Cooperation Strategy 2021-24, the information adds.

During the visit, the leader of Swiss diplomacy will meet with his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla to also talk about human rights on the island and the challenges faced by Swiss investors.

According to a recent report byswissinfo, Swiss cooperation in Cuba, managed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), has been aimed at developing programs that provide greater autonomy to municipalities and regions in sectors such as agriculture, tourism and construction.

Swiss projects have supported, for example, the emergence of small businesses and private restaurants.

In addition to financing these development projects, SDC has also made donations to Cuba in recent years.

At the end of 2021, delivered in Havanaa donation of powdered milk intended for vulnerable groups from the eastern provinces of the country and Old Havana, which reached more than 20 thousand beneficiaries for approximately eight months.

In 2020, for its part, during the coronavirus crisis, Switzerland donated more than half a million dollars to the Government of Cuba tothe purchase of materials such as respiratory ventilators, necessary in the treatment of serious or critical patients.

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