Cuban Rosa María Payá will testify at the UN Human Rights Council

The Cuban activist Rosa María Payá will denounce this Tuesday, before the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva, the atrocities of the Castro regime.

The Cuban activist for democracy and founder of the political initiative Cuba Decide, Rosa María Payá, announced that he will denounce the atrocities of the Castro regime and advocate for the end of the dictatorship, inUN Human Rights Council (HRC), in Switzerland, this Tuesday.

“There are more than 1,000 political prisoners at this moment,José Daniel Ferrer is being killed in prison"They continue to torture many of the political prisoners," Payá said in a Facebook live stream broadcast from outside the Palace of Nations in Geneva.

The activist announced that she will denounce “thatthe crisis that the regime has forced our people into It is simply unbearable and that the way out of the crisis is the way out of the dictatorship.”

According to the opposition, the CDH could do its job better, however it is important to make the complaint on this site, in front of the delegate of the dictatorship, “which at this moment is under review, the review period of the regime is ending and tomorrow "I will be one of the people who will testify about human rights in Cuba."

This moment could not be more opportune, it could not be more critical"And it couldn't be more important, we know that the Cuban regime has served five consecutive terms on the United Nations Human Rights Council," said the activist.

Payá asked everyone to watch the United Nations broadcast this Tuesday, which “will be public, live. At other times the regime has tried to intervene, to take away my voice, they are not going to succeed, but it is very important that all of you pay attention to what is happening here.”

Numerous organizations and activists have warned about the impact of the economic crisis that Cuba is experiencing, the worst in the last six decades, and also about the current state of human rights in the country.

In his latest report, the Cubalex organization denounced that last February the economic and social sphere of the nation was marked by several events.

The document mentions the implementation of a set of temporarily postponed economic measures, the increase in the frequency of electricity cuts and levels of violence.

It also points out that the food crisis persists, evidenced by the shortage of basic products such as bread and milk.

In this context, on March 17 and 18, the country experienced one of the most important massive protests in recent years.

The spark jumped in Santiago de Cuba, but it spread to other locations in the country, such as the cities of Bayamo, in Granma, and Cárdenas, in Matanzas.

Although the protesters protested peacefully, the regime intercepted internet communications and unleashed repression due to fear of a new 11J.

In response, the hordes of the dictatorship did not wait and, to date, the organization Prisoners Defenders reported that at least32 people were detained by the Cuban regime during the protests, although the real number, according to the association's estimates, could be around one hundred.

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