In the midst of the communications boom, few think aboutSamuel Morse and its great contribution to the development of humanity. The world aspires to move at the pace of satellite communication, but almost no one remembers that the first network of networks survives under the sea.
The first submarine cable for communications
The firstsubmarine cables They were intended for the telegraphic service and date from the second half of the 19th century. Specifically in 1852 communications between the United Kingdom and France were established, through a cable that crossed the English Channel.
The rise of this technology was immediate. In just five years, the first transatlantic cable was already being launched, linking New York with London. However, it lasted only 15 days, as the wiring was fragile and broke mainly in the ground anchorage areas, or during the arduous installation work in the midst of hostile marine conditions.
How the telegraph arrives in Cuba
In 1856, the New York, Newfoundland & London Telegraph Company presented to the Captain General of Cuba a transatlantic cable project between the United States, Cuba and Spain. After several failed attempts due to technical and administrative issues, negotiations were suspended. It was not until 1866 that the governments of Spain and the United States granted the International Ocean Telegraph Company the exclusivity to lay cables from the coasts of Florida to Cuba, for a period of 40 years.
On September 10, 1867, the first cable began to provide telegraphic services. At this time communication between Cuba and Spain became possible, through the United States, Great Britain and France.
In 1870 the International Ocean Telegraph Company began the connection Havana-Santiago de Cuba through Cienfuegos, with the Cuba Submarine Telegraph Company.
The first submarine telegraph cable was Key West-Havana
The Key West-Havana submarine telegraph cable became a link for international communications between Latin America, the Caribbean, the United States and Europe.
Putting this cable into operation was a titanic task, as not only did it break during the installation process, but the ship's crew also had to face weather problems at sea, which delayed the splicing of the cables. Furthermore, they contracted yellow fever on Cuban soil, causing the death of many of these men.
On August 21, 1867, the first contact was established through this submarine telegraph cable, between E. O. Gwynn, mayor of Key West, and Joaquín del Manzano, Captain General of Cuba. Communication with the outside world was available and a telegram cost approximately $3.50 for every 10 words.
Over the years these cables were replaced by different companies. In 1900, the first international telephone call was made through an underwater cable, between Key West and Havana.
The oceans hide the oldest network of networks
The planet's oceans and seas have been crisscrossed by submarine cables of different types. Some fell into disuse and were not removed, others are modern and allow information to be moved at a speed never seen before.
It is said that 99% of digital telecommunications between continents travel over thered submarina. That is why they continue to multiply more and more. Almost all of these cables converge in the vicinity of the center of financial power in New York.
Theoptical fiber It is an important step in the evolution of communications. It is not comparable to the speed of those old submarine telegraph cables of the 19th century. But somehow, more than a century later, the first cables still link territories.
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