Cuban asks for help to recover passport and residence in the US lost at Havana airport

The woman traveled to Cuba and lost her wallet with the documents after going through Customs.

Aeropuerto de La Habana (imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Havana Airport (reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

The Cuban Sarah Neyra Martinez He asked for help on social networks to recover his passport and residence card in the United States, after losing these important documents at the Havana Airport.

The comedian Andy Vázquez, shared the message asking for help on his profile Facebook Facundo Live from the Story and asked his followers for collaboration so that the text reaches those who may have the documents.

"I appeal to the kindness of anyone who found the purse. Inside it had, among some things, the most important thing for us, which is the passport and your American residence. My home phone number in Cuba is 7 209 3078. Anyone who has found it, please I ask that just returning the documents to us is enough," the message states.

The family of Sarah Neyra Martinez She is desperate because without these important documents she cannot travel and must begin a complex procedure to obtain them again. For this reason, they announced that they will give a reward to whoever can help to recover the passport and residence card.

Sara traveled to Cuba on April 8 for the Havana Terminal 3. It is not the first case of a Cuban woman who loses her wallet in strange circumstances.

In March the situation was reported that suffered a young man who was trapped in Cuba despite receiving his humanitarian parole, because his visa passport was stolen the day before leaving for a trip to the United States.

The young woman sent a video with her testimony to the press to see if in some way her request for help reached the hearts of those who might have her documents.

At the end of 2021, another Cuban asked for help on Facebook to recover your passport and your US resident documents, lost after traveling to Cuba to visit his sick father.

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