Family and friends will say goodbye to murdered young woman Yeniset Rojas

She was the mother of a little girl.

The family and friends of the young CubanYeniset Rojas Pérez, they will say their last goodbye in their hometown this Thursday.

"Family and friends, we will say that much-needed goodbye to my sister."Yeniset Rojas Pérez. We will find ourselves there, as in a field of sunflowers, a field of sunflowers woven by little virgins. It will be a landscape with all that coincidence and his smile in the background," said the Cuban playwrightYerandy Fleites Pérez on Facebook.

Yerandy Fleites Pérez He is the brother of the deceasedYeniset Rojas Pérez. The young woman lived in the Ranchuelo municipality, in the province of Villa Clara. She was the mother of a little girl anddisappeared on March 19, 2022, when after leaving his workplace, he did not arrive home.

The family immediately filed a missing person report with the police and asked for help to find the young woman who was reported inunknown location for long weeks.

After 10 months of police investigation and harsh suffering for this Cuban family, the authoritiesThey arrested the alleged murderer of Yeniset. The individual had, according to Cuban feminist organizations, a history of violence and assaults against women.

A week later, at the end of January, a family member confirmed toCyberCuba thedeath of the young Cuban mother. No details were offered about the tragedy, but judging by the publications on networks, it was a femicide and both the victim's family and friends expect the maximum sentence for the criminal.

HeGender Violence Observatory, of the magazineTense Wings, indicated that in Cuba during 2022 at least 34 women were victims of femicides. However, there are no official government statistics on these types of violent events.

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