Cuban explodes at the price of bread in Havana: "Up to 70 pesos for the State"

The shortage of bread and its high prices continue to generate discomfort in the population.

Pan de flauta © Facebook / Rosa Rodriguez
flute bread Photo © Facebook / Rosa Rodriguez

A Cuban woman exploded on social networks due to the highprice of breadsold by the State in Havana, which amounts to 70 Cuban pesos.

His anger was caused by the huge increase in the price of the product known as "pan de flauta" or "flautín", which cost up to 70 Cuban pesos in a bakery in the Regla municipality, according to the publication on his account.Facebook, where she identifies herself as Rosa Rodríguez.

Facebook capture / Rosa Rodriguez

"I ask once again how it is possible that a product as necessary for the population as daily bread, is at such an exuberant price as it is, this bread that we used to call piccolo, is 20 times above than it was worth before ($3.00). It's not easy, I'm just going to ask how long we are going to continue holding out," the woman wrote on the social network.

The situation with the flour shortage in the country has become critical and has led the government to sign work agreements with MSMEs that allow theproduction of some foods, increasing its value.

In provinces such as Pinar del Río, the authorities determined to make these associations with MSMEs for the production of hard crust Creole bread of 200 g at 65 pesos per unit and soft crust dog bread of 100 g at 28 pesos.

The stability in the production of these foods, said a manager, will depend on the supply of raw materials by MSMEs, however, the diversity will depend on price changes, which could result in instability in supply.

In other cases, prices have been raised byuse of imported wheat flour which is not assigned by the State.

The scarcity ofwheat flour and blackouts, which affect the production of bread, has been a critical issue in many Cuban provinces where the situation generates discomfort among citizens, critical of the irregularity in its sales schedule and quality.

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