They denounce death due to medical negligence of a Cuban in Bayamo hospital

The victim had appendicitis and spent more than 24 hours lying on a stretcher waiting to be treated. When they gave him oxygen, the hoses were punctured and his brain was without oxygen for a long time.

Cubano que murió en el hospital de Bayamo © Orlando Rodriguez Ortiz / Facebook
Cuban who died in the Bayamo hospital Photo © Orlando Rodriguez Ortiz / Facebook

A Cuban died due to alleged medical negligence at the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes hospital in Bayamo, Granma, a relative of his wife reported.

According toOrlando Rodriguez Ortiz, the victim arrived at the hospital with appendicitis pain, the doctors determined that the appendix had to be removed, and when they gave him oxygen the hoses were punctured.

"The brain spent a long time without receiving oxygen, no one realized what happened and he went into a vegetative state and yesterday [Monday] he died. "No one responds to this medical negligence, no one says anything," he said on his wall.Facebook.

"Wasmore than 24 hours lying on a stretcher to be treated and then what are we talking about. Now, if from the moment you arrive at the hospital you take money from the doctor, nurse, today the story would have been different," he said.

Facebook capture / Orlando Rodríguez Ortiz

The deceased was married to the cousin of Rodríguez Ortiz's wife. The story is very sad, because the victim's wife is dying of cancer and her husband was the breadwinner of the house.

"He has cancer, now terminal, cancer in the pancreas and liver, and now it has caught his stomach. They have a daughter together, he took care of his wife and did everything in the house, taking care of his wife who is in bed. He He had pain in his appendix and spent more than 24 hours outside the hospital, and they say that when they treated him and gave him oxygen, the punctured hoses killed him," he stressed.

The complainant pointed out that his relative, whom he did not name, was another victim of the Cuban medical system that claims to call itself a medical power.

He stated that there are pharmacies closed because they do not have medicines, but that if money is offered, they will immediately appear, because they sell them on the street.

"Lives like that are lost every day, you know why, because no one cares about anything. Because if it is the family member of someone from the government, the attention is first class, the rest of the population means nothing to them. They are only interested make sure that no one talks about them, that there is no demonstration, that they do not put up posters against the system, that is what interests them. These are things that I have to say because a great person left and it is something that could have been avoided," he stressed.

This week, a Cuban mother denounced on social networks thedeath of her baby in a Holguín hospital, just two days after a "traumatic birth."

The young woman, identified as Elianis Mendez, explained that her son - a boy - was born around 3:00 am on Thursday, April 13 in a hospital that she did not specify on her Facebook, where she detailed the sad chain of events that ended in the death of his son due to respiratory arrest.

Elianis says that the day after the birth, after the doctors' visit, the child drank breast milk and fell asleep. However, when he saw that he did not wake up after more than four and a half hours, he called the nurse, who quickly took the child down to the premature area because the baby was "shaking and yellowish."

"There they did all kinds of tests and x-rays and all the results were good, but the child continued to get worse and then they did an ultrasound and discovered that the child was bleeding from the spleen, from the stomach, and behind the spleen he had a hematoma and I They quickly called Prematuros to come down," said the young woman.

Questioned by a doctor about details of the birth, Elianis explained that the staff who attended the birth had pressed hard on her stomach because she was fully dilated, but she was not pushing.

According to the mother, this procedure caused her child's "spleen to burst, since it was a traumatic birth."

After the minor's condition worsened, the health personnel decided to transfer him to the hospital in the main municipality of Holguín. He says that the ambulance had no place to put the equipment and that they were falling down during the entire journey due to the terrible conditions of the roads.

At the end of March, aFather reported the death of his daughter due to negligence at the Faustino Pérez hospital in Matanzas.

The patient, 19 years old and bedridden, was admitted around 11:00 am, and at 6:00 pm they gave her an IV because they said there were no medical supplies.

This caused "precious time to be lost in my daughter's treatment, which contributed to the deterioration of her health. And they did it because I started complaining," said Isbel Gómez Rivas.

Later, a visiting doctor referred her to intensive care, asking why she missed so much time in the emergency room.

Since there were no beds available, they put her in the emergency room until the next day, before the father's complaints, they transferred her to intermediate therapy, where her condition deteriorated since they did not put her on oxygen permanently but for short periods.

"Miraculously, a bed appeared in intensive care and she was transferred, all of this was due to poor diligence by the staff who cared for her," stressed Gómez Rivas.

After a chain of bad procedures, the young woman died on the morning of March 3.

"They gave us her body and we were in a hospital hallway with our daughter on a stretcher, with nothing more than our sheet that we covered her with until 4:30 pm when the hearse arrived to pick her up, because there were no cars available." , he pointed.

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