They ask for justice for the death of a baby after an alleged failed diagnosis in Cuba

The man, identified on Facebook as Pablo Ernesto Favier Maynard, asks for justice and says that his son was left to die for lack of an accurate diagnosis.

Bebé © Facebook/Pablo Ernesto Favier Maynard
Baby Photo © Facebook/Pablo Ernesto Favier Maynard

A Cuban father reported the death of his eight-month-old son after doctors allegedly failed to detect that he had a congenital heart malformation.

The man, identified inFacebook asPaul Ernest Favier Maynard, asks for justice and says that his son was left to die due to lack of an accurate diagnosis.

"They let you die, my child, eight months old and the doctors never realized what you had, nine months pregnant and neither did genetics realize theproblem you had. "My God, where are we going to end up in this country," he questions.

He says that the minor was taken to the Pedro A. Pérez hospital in Guantánamo and they performed an X-ray and they only told him that he had otitis, supposedly caused by his teeth.

Publication inFacebook

However, two days later the child becomesserious in the house with shortness of breath and after 12:25 in the morning he went into respiratory arrest.

Upon arriving at the hospital, another respiratory arrest was repeated, after which the minor was reported in serious condition.

The next day he had a third respiratory arrest that caused his death, and only later did they inform the family "that the child had a small deformation in his heart."

"I don't know what I'm going to do with my life and that of my family, my God, so many months and no one really realized what I had," lamented the distraught father, who is asking for justice.

A few days ago, another family reported the death due to alleged medical negligence of a newborn baby at the Enrique Cabrera Cossío General Teaching Hospital, popularly known as “Hospital Nacional”, in Havana.

Internet user Arianna Torres Zalas, who identified herself as a cousin of the mother who suffered the terrible loss, reportedhow events unfolded, which took place between January 24 and 27.

Similar complaints circulate on the internet in the midst of the crisis in the Cuban public health system.

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