Cuban denounces death of her mother due to medical negligence and lack of resources in Bayamo: "They didn't even have a blood pressure monitor"

The Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Hospital returns to the center of controversy on social networks due to a new case of alleged medical negligence.

Dariannis Mejías Reyes y su madre © Facebook Dariannis Mejías Reyes
Dariannis Mejías Reyes and his mother Photo © Facebook Dariannis Mejías Reyes

The CubanDariannis Mejias Reyes reported the death of his mother,Nelvis Reyes Morales, for alleged medical negligence in theCarlos Manuel de Céspedes Hospital, in Bayamo, Granma.

The young woman explained that on January 6 she took her mother, a 53-year-old woman, to the Bayamo hospital because she had been suffering from possible dengue fever for six days and her discomfort was worsening. The care he received at the medical center was terrible.

Facebook Dariannis Mejías Reyes

"Getting her treated was quite an odyssey. Over the course of hours they sent her home, with a negative ultrasound and treatment for a supposed kidney infection. The doctor who treated her didn't even take her blood pressure because they didn't even have a blood pressure meter, so she didn't realize that my mother's blood pressure was 40 to 60. When I got home I had to go with her to the nearest polyclinic for emergencies," she said.

At the polyclinic, Nelvis Reyes Morales was treated by the team of doctors on duty. They hydrated her and compensated for her blood pressure. After about eight hours of observation, she was sent back to her home.

"The next day I took her urgently to the hospital because she was getting worse. A few minutes after being in the observation room of the guard unit, the doctor asked to speak with me. The thing was serious, but she did not inform me of the seriousness until after three hours and then, 20 minutes later, he went into unemployment," Dariannis said.

"There was nothing in that room, they didn't even give my mother oxygen, only when I demanded it. There was no resuscitation equipment. The corresponding doctor did not take any action to urgently send my mother to intensive care. Anyway , practically nothing was done to help preserve his life," the young woman complained.

"How long, Cubans, are we going to allow this? When are we going to demand progress, improvement? Of them asking us for resistance and talking to us about dignity, we are fed up," said the young woman.

HeCarlos Manuel de Céspedes General Teaching Hospital from Bayamo has been at the center of controversy on social networks on several occasions due to reports of cases of alleged medical negligence.

The most publicized case involved the arrest andtrial of six doctors at the end of November 2023. The regime accused the doctors of committing negligence during a surgery in which a patient died.

They were sentenced to two and three years in prison, despite the fact that they demonstrated that they did not have the basic resources for the surgery to be successful. Many people regretted the Cuban government's decision for creating a bad precedent within the union.

In March 2023, it had been reportedanother case of death due to alleged medical negligence in the same hospital. The victim arrived at the health center with pain from appendicitis. He was lying on a stretcher for more than 24 hours waiting to be treated. The doctors determined that he had to be operated on and when they gave him oxygen the hoses were broken.

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