They report police abuse against a minor under 14 years of age in Holguín

A police officer punched the minor, according to social media users.

Users of social networks share a complaint for the police abuse against a minor under 14 years of age in the city of Holguin.

“Somewhere in #Cuba the repression of the people continues, this time the henchmen of the #NarcoTiraniaCastro beat and violate the #HR of a minor under 14 years of age. "The day the tonfa goes the other way, another rooster will crow!", points out on Twitter the user who identifies herself as Luciana, who shares a video showing two police officers, a man and a woman, rebuking a person who He came out to defend the minor.

“Expect that she is a minor. I'm going to the prosecutor's office right now. Walk, she can't disrespect you. In a minor and they are disrespecting her. I scold her, there is no reason to disrespect her,” says the person accompanying the minor.

In another part of the video you can hear the minor screaming and crying and that same person shouting against the two police officers "she is a minor, don't do that to her, (...) disgusting, Homeland and Life because they are killing us."

In another complaint on the same network, about the same violent incident against the minor, the user who identifies himself as Javi says: “The Cuban regime's police beat a 14-year-old minor. In these cases is when I remember that UNICEF should not exist.”

In that same publication, another user explains that she saw in another video, taken from afar, “how the policeman punches the girl and when the screams start and he realizes that he is being recorded, he raises his arms and walks away.”

The complaints of police violence In Cuba they have become increasingly frequent on social networks.

In the last week, a young Cuban was also a victim of police abuse in Ciego de Ávila, where he was beaten by two officers who shouted "I am Fidel."

The violent incident occurred in Plaza Camilo, in the Ciego de Ávila municipality, when two police officers yelled at a young black man - who has not been identified - and gave him severe blows when taking him to the patrol car, according to a post by Internet user Efraín Abreu Sánchez.

In several videos that witnesses of the abuse managed to film, one of the officers can be seen shouting and gesticulating at the boy, while shouting "I am a communist."

"You were wrong when you said a bad word to me... Communism... I am a communist, what the hell is it? You are a comepinga, don't even talk about what you don't have to talk about. I am a Fidelista, a communist, a revolutionary, what What a dick?, one of the uniformed agents can be heard saying as he pushes the young man.

In others, the young man is shown being forcibly taken to the patrol car, where he is laid down on the car to be handcuffed amidst beatings and shouts of "I am Fidel."

The police brutality reached such a point that they threw him to the ground and one of the uniformed officers applied a restraining technique to him and continued hitting him, until he was finally put into the patrol car, kicked by the officers. The boy was not seen resisting arrest in the published images.

Recently, Cuban drivers also denounced the violent arrest of a driver bus in the Parque de la Fraternidad, in Havana, after a passenger accused him of having scammed her.

The driver, who was driving a P14 on the La Joya de San Agustín 330-Parque de la Fraternidad route, was attacked by a police officer who grabbed him by the neck, until he decided to take him away in handcuffs.

In a similar incident, a lawyer reported that it was beaten by several police officers that he was arrested in Havana for selling cigarettes without a license at the beginning of April.

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