The US condemns the repression of the Cuban regime after peaceful protest in Caimanera: "It is cruel and useless"

They also denounced the massive cutoff of Internet service to restrict the freedom of expression of citizens on the island.

Represión del régimen cubano tras protesta pacífica en Caimanera © Foto: Redes Sociales
Repression by the Cuban regime after peaceful protest in Caimanera Photo © Photo: Social Networks

He U.S. government condemned the repression of the Cuban regime, which he described as “cruel and useless, after peaceful protests in the city of Caimanera, in the province of Guantanamo.

“Last night, Cuban security forces responded violently to peaceful protests in the town of Caimanera, beating citizens for demanding human rights,” the organization noted on Twitter this Sunday. United States Embassy in Cuba.

The diplomatic headquarters also condemned the cutting of the Internet service to restrict the freedom of expression of citizens on the island.

“Cuba also closed its Internet for fear of freedom of expression,” says the message, which adds that “Cuban repression of the rights of its citizens is cruel and useless; “freedom always wins.”

A massive protest took place at dusk this Saturday in the Guantanamo municipality of Caimanera when dozens of people took to the streets shouting “Freedom.”

Videos that circulated on social networks showed how the inhabitants of that municipality bordering the Guantánamo Naval Base marched en masse through the streets of the town in protest against the shortages and blackouts.

After the demonstration, it was also reported that the Cuban regime cut off the internet connection throughout the national territory, after the demonstration of hundreds of residents of that eastern town who peacefully took to the streets to protest the inefficient management of the crisis by the government and demanding "Freedom."

It was also known that The peaceful protest of citizens was violently repressed by members of the Special Brigades of the Ministerio del Interior (MININT) from Cuba.

"The attached video confirms the repression of the Caimanera protest. According to a testimony consulted, two young people were transferred to the Guantánamo Operations Center after being beaten by Black Berets," the independent platform indicated via Twitter. Justicia11J.

Dedicated since July 2021 to documenting the state response to public protest events, especially to the demonstrations around 11J, the Cuban civil society platform took less than 24 hours to collect the first testimonies of arrests for political reasons in Caimanera.

"This is how the military of the Castro dictatorship beat the women and men who were peacefully protesting in Caimanera, Guantánamo, while they cut off the internet. @el_pais @borjaechevarria @paconadal @EFEnoticias @Reuters @EFEnoticias @nytimes is happening now in Cuba," he denounced in On its social networks, the Cuba platform says NO to the dictatorship, while urging international media to reflect the repression unleashed.

For its part, the Cuban regime blamed three alleged drunks from the massive anti-government protest, after violent images of the repression by forces of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) were disseminated.

Lázaro Castellanos Matos, member of the Municipal Bureau of the Caimanera Party, assured that the demonstration began with three subjects who were drunk.

"Total tranquility in the streets of the first anti-imperialist trench, Caimanera. The response of the people will always be in defense of the homeland and citizen tranquility as a conquest of the revolution," he stated in Facebook.

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