Mariela Castro and Lis Cuesta lead conga against homophobia in Havana

The official celebration could not miss “authorities from the Communist Party of Cuba and the Government in Havana, as well as officials from the Ministry of Public Health,” making it clear that the same ones who previously repressed are the authorities who are now swaggering.

Mariela Castro y Lis Cuesta en la cabecera de la "conga" © Cubadebate
Mariela Castro and Lis Cuesta at the head of the "conga" Foto © Cubadebate

The director of the National Center for Sexual Education of Cuba (CENESEX),Mariela Castro Espín, and the ruler's wifeMiguel Diaz-Canel, the officialLis Cuesta Peraza, led a conga against homophobia in Havana this Saturday.

With the newly approvedFamily Code As a backdrop, the demonstration was held under the motto “For all families, love is Law.” A note from the official portalCubadebate He assured that the participants in the conga supported a code that Castro Espín defines “as the most advanced in the world on family law issues.”

While the dictator's daughterRaul Castro and niece ofresponsible for UMAP In Cuba he paraded with a discreet white sweater with the march's motto,the not first lady from Cuba wore a colorful dress andon the Ballon Bleu de Cartier watch of 13,000 dollars, or something similar.

The detail is indifferent; What is striking is that Mariela Castro and Lis Cuesta lead a “conga” for the rights of people who belong to the communityLGTBIQ+, and thatCENESEX be the institution that sets the pace in this field through the streets and avenues of a country subjected to a totalitarian regime, historically homophobic and cross-dressed with the grace of a yam with a tie.

“Authorities of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Government in Havana, as well as officials of the Ministry of Public Health,” could not be missing from the conga, making it clear that the same ones who previously repressed are the authorities who are now swaying.

Screenshot Facebook / Adelth Bonne Gamboa

“Not all of the LGBTQ+ community is Marielist, pro-Cenesex, socialist, communist, or complicit in the Dictatorship…” claimed the activist.Adelth Bonne Gamboa in theirsocial networks.

In his publication, the young man defended that “many members of those communities that I have in my life are extremely rebellious and are well placed in the fact that Castroism is one of our great enemies too... And with them you cannot have any front! common!".

Outraged by the celebration of a militarized conga and orchestrated by the same people responsible for silencing voices different from the official story, the protestors and all those who rise up using freedom of expression, Bonne Gamboa denounced the hypocrisy of Castro Espín.

“A conga organized by a woman who said a week ago thatA trans woman and political prisoner is fine in a prison [for men]... A trans woman who has been through Cain, how they say, inside that prison, and her mother is constantly denouncing the entire odyssey she lives there day by day," she stressed.

Against the repression exercised against activists like him, who demand rights and freedoms that totalitarian power distorts and manipulates, Bonne Gamboa denounced the threats received not to hold any type of event that contradicted the message of the official conga.

“Mariela gave the green light and supports that people like me, and like many who have reported, at this moment we cannot leave the house, because we will have 'legal consequences' if we do... Don't screw me! It makes me extremely angry to stay silent. This is simple: Freedom for Brenda Díaz. Freedom for Cuba,” he claimed.

Screenshot Facebook / Adelth Bonne Gamboa

In another publication of hissocial networks, the activist shared a photo of the head of the conga, with an arrow pointing towards Lis Cuesta.

“Now I understand the calls from State Security... Everyone who is there is continuity and a friend of the Dictatorship,” said Bonne Gamboa, reluctant to give up his freedom of expression to the officials of a regime who are in charge of making up a lacerating reality, like that of the political prisoner Brenda Díaz, and which, after the Family Code and the alleged LGTBIQ+ activism, does nothing more than deny rights and freedoms to these social groups, and to all citizens of Cuba.

What do you think?


Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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