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Mariela Castro
The regime releases Brenda Díaz, the only trans woman imprisoned for political reasons in Cuba
The official journalist Pedro Jorge Velázquez seems to be not only stubborn but also blind
A spokesman for the Cuban regime attacks Sandro Castro: "He must be despised."
Díaz-Canel denies that femicide exists in Cuba: "It's a media construct."
Cuban Jewish Community accuses Mariela Castro of inciting hatred against Jews
Aleida Guevara offers herself for war against Israel: “I shoot quite well.”
Mariela Castro calls for "much more radical" actions against imperialism
Italian company launches luxurious Cuban coffee brand amid acute product scarcity in Cuba
Mariela Castro's daughter is the owner of a small and medium-sized enterprise in Havana
Kiriam Gutiérrez: "The DTI threatened to remove my implants."
Mariela Castro asserts that there were "no concentration camps against the LGBT community" in Cuba
Mariela Castro: "The supply booklet is wonderful, it guarantees equitable distribution."
Mariela Castro and Lis Cuesta lead a conga against homophobia in Havana
Trans woman responds to Mariela Castro: "The food is sancocho and there's not even Duralgina."
Mother of a transgender woman imprisoned for 11J refutes Mariela Castro
Mariela Castro on trans woman in a men's prison due to the 11J: "Brenda is doing very well there."
Journalists who made Fidel Castro and other representatives of the Cuban regime sweat
Italian supporter of the Cuban government assaults independent journalist
Mariela Castro continues her tour through cities in Italy
Cubans protest against the presence of Mariela Castro in Italy
Cenesex promises to modify prison regulations to recognize the rights of transgender individuals
The Ministry of the Interior seizes a vessel found in Cayo Guillermo
Mariela Castro thanks Fidel and Raúl following the approval of the new Family Code in Cuba
Díaz-Canel: Voting Yes for the Family Code is "saying Yes to the revolution and socialism."
Galician emigration museum inaugurated at the birthplace of the father of the Castro Ruz brothers
Mariela Castro blames the U.S. for the health crisis caused by dengue hemorrhagic fever
Mariela Castro praises the approval of the Family Code and absolves historical leaders of blame
Criticism of CENESEX for linking LGBTIQ pride with the Moncada assault
National Assembly rejects amendment by Mariela Castro Espín on femicide
Mariela Castro suspends the annual conga against homophobia due to the tragedy at the Saratoga hotel
Mariela Castro compares the possible elimination of the right to abortion in the U.S. to "witch hunts."
Francisco Céspedes describes Amaury Pérez as a "dark character."
Mariela Castro labels Ukrainian army battalions as Nazis
Mariela Castro urges the Cuban people to continue resisting
Díaz-Canel meets with LGBTI+ individuals from Cuba
Mariela Castro calls artists who oppose the Cuban government "insignificant"
Mariela Castro: "They cannot take away our ration book."
Mariela Castro justifies repression during the protests of July 11: "It makes you want to even help the police."
Mariela Castro claims that the people were waiting for the signal to take to the streets against the protests of July 11
The Puerto Rican cultural center of Chicago donated food to the trans network in Cuba
Photos of Raúl Castro's grandson, who serves as his bodyguard, have been leaked from the wedding
Cuban psychiatrist criticizes the descendants of politicians who live "like millionaires"
Cuban man assaulted by a homophobic taxi driver in Havana expresses gratitude for support and says that CENESEX contacted him
Women suffered workplace harassment and abuse of power at the Cuban Postal Company due to being a couple
Cuba could legalize same-sex marriage in less than two years, says Mariela Castro
The list of officials who will develop the Family Code project in Cuba has been published
They report the hacking of Mariela Castro's CENESEX Twitter account
A video of Díaz-Canel and government officials singing "Patria y Vida" has been circulated
Tania Bruguera delivers a letter addressed to Mariela Castro at CENESEX for sharing a text with a message of hate
Mónica Baró responds to Mariela Castro for sharing a misogynistic text that incites violence
Dr. Durán on March 8th: "In Cuba, it is celebrated with joy while around the world there are femicides."
Sayde Chaling Chong in the Mornings: "Cuban, there is no need to keep walking through the desert."
Sandro Castro, grandson of Fidel Castro, presses the accelerator of continuity
Viral: Meme reminds those who call Yotuel a "jinetero" that Mariela Castro is married to a foreigner
Who pays, commands?: How the Cuban government receives money from George Soros and the Ford Foundation
Actor Erdwin Fernández: “A Cuban is a Cuban, regardless of how they think or where they live.”
Erdwin Fernández responds to Mariela Castro: "What I defend is called freedom of expression."
Mariela Castro shares criticisms of actor Erdwin Fernández
Pastor Adrián Pose: Díaz-Canel, Raúl, and Mariela Castro: "This is really too much."
Mariela Castro calls trained hyenas those who criticized her comments about the Virgen de la Caridad