Borrell and a new account

Exquisite in form, but forceful in depth; The senior European official mentioned the ropes in the executioner's house, without raising his voice and reading all the time to prevent boredom from overflowing into diplomacy.

El canciller de Europa y el presidente cubano © Estudios Revolución
The chancellor of Europe and the Cuban president Photo © Revolución Studios

José Borrell opened his visit to Cuba with an erroneous statement to small and medium-sized businessmen; evoking the Obama confusion and speculating that the island could be the Mallorca of the Caribbean and closed it by telling Díaz-Canel that Europe disagrees with Washington on the terrorist list and the embargo, but wants Havana to respect human rights; especially those of prisoners and political opponents and align with Ukraine against Russian aggression.

It was the first visit after the civil war order given by the Cuban president on June 11 at night and against the background of the stagnation of the quadripartite negotiations for the release of political prisoners; A delicate issue that forced Borrell to avoid a direct meeting with relatives of those imprisoned, which would have been the red line set by Havana, lacking internal consensus to repair an injustice committed by themselves.

But the Díaz-Canel government was unable to prevent Borrell from announcing the next visit of a Special envoy for Human Rights, who would deal with the bad fate of those convicted of the popular uprising of 11J and that Cuba - in its capacity as president of the Group of 77 - should stand on the side of the attacked and not the Russian aggressor.

Europe's childish idea that economic changes will cause political changes lacks Marxist validity in the oldest dictatorship in the West, which has already rejected the theory several times and disqualified as "Track Two" those who opt for a transition to democracy under the law. to the law and encouraging foreign investments and small native property.

Analysts from across the political spectrum were quick to consider the umpteenth European attempt against the olive-green and guayaberada caste a failure; precipitated by a sudden illness of Bruno Rodríguez; without waiting for the interview with President Díaz-Canel and the result of the bilateral monitoring commission headed, on the Cuban side, by Cabrisas, the new old and strong man of the regime and a militant on the conservative side.

A look at the non-verbal language of both leaders revealed an affable visitor, with a hugging gesture in the greeting, and a restrained guest who - to relieve tensions - acted as Borrell's tour guide through the murals and interior gardens of the Palace of the Revolution. ; exclusive work of Celia Sánchez and a small group of collaborators; without the participation of Fidel Castro, as the television paid for by the communist party lied.

When appearing before the media, José Borrell read the entire time, an unusual habit for an experienced politician with sanity (sanity) from his native Catalonia; while Cuban Vice Foreign Minister Anayansi Rodríguez, who is not Bruno's family, spoke just enough.

Europe is fed up with the outrages in Havana, but tries to take advantage of the loopholes so as not to appear publicly subordinated to the United States, which maintains the pirates of the Caribbean as promoters of terrorism; a circumstance that the visitor attributed to Trump, but now Biden governs and continues to mark the card of late Castroism.

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opinion article: The statements and opinions expressed in this article are the exclusive responsibility of its author and do not necessarily represent the point of view of CiberCuba.

Carlos Cabrera Pérez

CiberCuba journalist. He has worked at Granma Internacional, Prensa Latina, IPS and EFE agencies correspondents in Havana. Director Tierras del Duero and Sierra Madrileña in Spain.

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