The Jackal and your partnerAnisleidys Valdes (La Leidy) are radiant with happiness because this Sunday they learned the sex of the baby they are both expecting.
Yes. The reggaeton singer will be a father for the second time! He was very emotional, moved to tears when he learned thata beautiful baby girl is on the way and they already have a name for it.
"AloneGod knows how long I waited for you. I know that from now on you are the most beautiful girl in the world.I love Paris"said the Cuban musician on Instagram
He accompanied his comment with a video ofbaby shower that they organized to announce the exciting news.
While it is true that the first thing parents want is for ababy be healthy and happy, it is also true that this couple was very strongly wishing for alittle sister for little Milan.
Several musicians and friends ofThe Jackal They left nice messages for him and his family on social media. One of them was Yomil.
"Ñoooo little brother, what happiness and at the same time what a blessing for that beautiful family that you have created," said the reggaeton player from Cuba.
AlsoMiss Dayana He left a message to the Jackal and La Leidy. "Awww the couple,Milan & Paris. "What a Boniiiiito!" commented the singer.
Leoni Torres He congratulated them and reminded the Jackal that "there is no greater blessing than that of a son."
On the other hand, the Cuban directorAsylum Baby Straw He left a nice message to the reggaeton player who will soon be the father of a girl: "Congratulations my brother, now you do."you are going to know what mulatto love is".
At the beginning of May El Chacal announced that he wouldfather for the second time. He did so by showing a tender photo with La Leidy, kissing her belly.
"Thank you God for this blessing. Fill him with health, we will take care of the rest," said the reggaeton player, clarifying that they did not yet know the sex of the future baby, but either way he would be very loved.
In March, Milan, El Chacal's son, turned two years old and his father remembered that the day of his birth was something very special, something that gave meaning to his life as a person and as an artist.
Thus filled with love,El Chacal's family grows and the artist is very happy and proud of the wonder and challenges that lie ahead.
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