The governorDaniel Ortega once again gave the green light to Russian military forces and equipment to operate from Nicaragua starting next month, for the purposes of "humanitarian assistance."
The permit also extends to aircraft from the United States, Cuba, Venezuela and even Mexico, which will be able to enter Nicaraguan territory as of July 1.
Ally of the Russian presidentVladimir Putin, the Nicaraguan rulerrenewed the permit it granted around this time last year, giving the green light to the entry into the country of troops, ships and planes of the Russian Armed Forces, something that the official press of that country celebrated in a bellicose tone, in the context of NATO's support for Ukraine against the Russian invasion .
“The transit or parking in the national territory of military personnel, ships and aircraft of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, Mexico, Venezuela, the United States, Cuba and the Armed Forces and Armies of the Conference of the Central American Armed Forces is authorized. , (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and the Dominican Republic),” specified the decree signed by Ortega, according toWHICH.
The president of Nicaragua justifies the decision as a measure “for exchange and humanitarian assistance for mutual benefit, in case of emergency situations,” during the second half of 2023.
According to Ortega's presidential decree, Russian military personnel will be able to participate "in training and exchange exercises in humanitarian aid operations, search, rescue and rescue missions in emergency situations or natural disasters," with the Humanitarian and Rescue Unit of the Nicaraguan Army.
The document does not specify the number of foreign military personnel authorized to operate from Nicaragua.
A decree with similar purposes was published on June 7, 2022, including the entry of Russian troops and military means to carry out joint operations with the Nicaraguan naval force "against illicit acts" in the maritime spaces of Nicaragua and in the Caribbean Sea. .
In addition, Nicaragua allowed the entry on a rotating basis of 50 Russian soldiers, ships and aircraft to carry out "confrontation and fight against drug trafficking and organized crime."
In Russia, state television broke the news through the presenterOlga Skabeeva, who described Ortega's decision as "sensational" and underlined the "humanitarian nature" of the entry of Kremlin forces into the Central American country.
"If American missile systems can almost reach Moscow from Ukrainian territory, it is time for Russia to deploy something powerful closer to American cities," the journalist added.
In April of last year, a senior US government official warned that Putin's government was threatening toexport the conflict in Ukraine to Latin America, through military cooperation with Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.
"Russia tramples on Ukraine's democracy and threatens to export the Ukrainian crisis to the Americas, expanding its military cooperation with Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela," he declared.Kerri Hannan, deputy assistant secretary of the State Department's Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs.
These three countries, dominated by totalitarian regimes, have in recent years enhanced theirdiplomatic, economic and military relations with Moscow, which is why they refused to condemn the invasion of Ukraine.
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