MINREX official celebrates return of Good Faith to Cuba: "You, like Silvio, illuminate"

Like Israel Rojas, the diplomat is included in the list of repressors of the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba.

Silvio Rodríguez e Israel Rojas (imagen de archivo) © Facebook / Descemer Bueno
Silvio Rodríguez and Israel Rojas (archive image) Photo © Facebook / Descemer Bueno

The deputy director general of the United States Directorate of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX), Johana Tablada de la Torre, celebrated the duo's return to CubaGood faith, and compared them to the troubadourSilvio Rodriguez.

“We are millions happy that Buena Fe does not give up, does not poison itself and cannot and will not be silenced.Like Silvio, you illuminate and invite with your music and poetry to embark on the path of virtue every day, the hardest and most beautiful,” said the official in the comments to a publication ofsocial networks ofIsrael Rojas.

Screenshot Facebook / Israel Rojas

The diplomat, recentlyincluded in the list of repressors of the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FDHC), thanked them for “keeping the fire alive and feeding the inspiration that distances human beings from selfishness and barbarism.”

Returning from an eventful tour of Spain, where Cuban activists mobilized to denounce and protest the duo's performances, achieving the cancellation of several,The leader of Buena Fe was also included in the list of repressors of the FDHC.

Accused of repressing the journalist and lawyerRoberto Quiñones Haces, inciting violence against the 11J protesters and collaborating with Castro's propaganda, the musician and graduate of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) joined the list after Tablada de la Torre.

Furthermore, followingthe attack suffered by two activists at a concert held in Madrid-at the hands of alleged officials of the Cuban Embassy in Spain-Rojas claimed not to know of the existence of political prisoners in Cuba.

"That I know, no. And I'm not going to talk about something that I don't know. If someone lets me know... They could say that I don't know it because I don't want to. It's not like that. I'm not in all of them...", he pointed out. the musician in an interview.

For his part, Tablada de la Torre has dedicated himself to "spreading official propaganda, distorting Cuban reality," according to the file created by the Cuban Repressors program.

Indicted for crimes of defamation and persecution for political reasons, the official was added to the FDHC list after a meeting with Americans visiting the island, where she stated that in Cuba, unlike the United States,the hotels are from the town.

In the meeting with more than 150 leaders of social movements and organizations in that country, he expressed that the money foreigners spend in Cuba goes to public services, something that distorts the reality of the country.

"The military-business group GAESA is the owner of 118 hotels, five marinas and ten tourist shops, and its revenue, which is not audited, is disproportionately invested in building more hotels and tourist facilities," the FDHC said in its argument. .

"In 2022, 15,832.7 million pesos were dedicated to these activities, while a total of 2,730.4 million were allocated to education, health and agriculture," the Foundation gave as an example.

Determined to turn his back on the evidence and distort the reality of Cuba, Tablada de la Torre took advantage of the return of Buena Fe to comment on Rojas' post and continue with his propaganda campaign at all times and in all places.

Screenshot Facebook / Israel Rojas

Thanking “all the people and friends always” from Spain - the country where her husband,Eugenio Martínez, was ambassador while she was one in Portugal-, Tablada de la Torre called the Cubans who protested against the Buena Fe concerts “poor souls.”

“They have neither the courage nor the feeling to be moved and oppose the abuse against art and truth and the abuse and suffocation measures of the US government that attacks and hurts our people, the one with whose perfect siege measures imposed by the "2019 so far, on top of the most ferocious blockade and in the midst of the pandemic, has caused the largest exodus of Cubans and has deteriorated the well-being of millions to inhuman levels, even affecting health services," the diplomat said.

If it were not for the weight that his functions give to his words, anyone would believe that, more than on the list of repressors, Tablada de la Torre should be represented in the style of theBosco, crossing the darkness of a blackout and playing an instrument with Silvio,Miguel Diaz-Canel and Buena Fe in "The Ship of Fools."

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