Cuban loses his American residence in Havana: "He is desperate"

The man's name is Maikel Montero Olivares and he is offering a reward to whoever finds his residence card and returns it to him.

Maikel Montero Olivares (d) y en la foto de la izquierda, con su amigo Pepe Fernández  © Pepe Fernández / Facebook
Maikel Montero Olivares (d) and in the photo on the left, with his friend Pepe Fernández Photo © Pepe Fernández / Facebook

A Cuban who lives in the United States and is visiting Havana has just lost his American residency card.

The man's name is Maikel Montero Olivares and is offering a reward to whoever finds it and returns it to him.

"Please, to all my friends, if you find or know of someone who has found an American residence in the name of Maikel Montero OlivaresI ask you to let me know urgently, you will be rewarded. (...) He is desperate because he almost has to leave, thanks in advance," he explained on his wall. Facebook Pepe Fernández, a great friend.

Facebook screenshot / Pepe Fernández

In the comments section, an Internet user specified that Montero Olivares is from Boyeros, and described him as a good friend, father and brother.

Also the user of Facebook Inalvis Olivares shared the request on her profile.

Facebook Capture / Inalvis Olivares

"Please, if anyone has found an American residence in the name of Maikel Montero Olivares, please call this number 53025084 and you will be rewarded," he requested.

A family member suggested that he specify the places where Maikel has gone and share the information in Facebook groups.

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