Cuban students win silver medal in the Mathematical Olympiad of Central America and the Caribbean

The students Ián David Lorenzo García and Dalia Oliver Ballesteros obtained 31 and 27 points, respectively, and gave Cuba fifth position, among 12 countries.

Ián David Lorenzo García (izq.) y Dalia Oliver Ballesteros (der.) © Facebook/Juventud Técnica
Ián David Lorenzo García (left) and Dalia Oliver Ballesteros (right) Photo © Facebook/Technical Youth

Cuban studentsIan David Lorenzo García andDalia Oliver Ballesteros they won a silver medal in the XXVMathematical Olympiad of Central America and the Caribbean (OMCC), held this week in El Salvador.

Lorenzo, a student from the IPVCE Vladimir Ilich Lenin, and Oliver, from the IPVCE Ernesto Guevara, accumulated 31 and 27 points, respectively, and gave thefifth position to Cuba, with 58 points, according to theresults published on the contest website.

Capture from Facebook/Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cuba

Among the 12 participating countries, Mexico obtained first place with 142 points, followed by Colombia (84) and El Salvador (64).

The WTOC is an emblematic event in the region since its inception in 1999 and brings togethertalented young people in mathematics to compete and promote love for this discipline, indicates thewebsite of the Olympiad. “The competition has been evolving and expanding, attracting participants from various countries and consolidating itself as a renowned event in the academic field.”

In previous years,cuban students They have also won awards in international talent competitions.

Four Cuban students won a gold medal, two silver and one bronze at the XXVI Ibero-American Chemistry Olympiad (OIAQ), held virtually in Mexico, in October 2022.

Two months before,two students from the island achieved a silver medal and honorable mention at the International Olympiad in Informatics 2022 (IOI), in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

In 2021,two students from the University of Havana won a gold medal in the International Mathematics Competition for University Students (IMC), held virtually.

That same year,three students from Cuba achieved two bronze medals and an honorable mention in the 36th edition of the Ibero-American Mathematics Olympiad in Costa Rica.

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