Director involved in sexual abuse at Cuban film school fired

The Brazilian agency Confraria de Sons & Charutos fired one of its collaborators for being involved in the sexual abuse scandal at EICTV in San Antonio de los Baños.

Agencia © Facebook/Confraria de Sons & Charutos
Agency Photo © Facebook/Confraria de Sons & Cigars

One of those involved in thesexual abuse scandal at the International Film and Television School (EICTV) in San Antonio de los Baños, whatrecently came to light thanks to a report in the independent magazineThe sneeze, was fired from the Brazilian Sound and Image Editing agency for Film and Television "Confraria de Sons & Charutos".

Through its profile on the social network Instagram, the agency made known its decision to “not rely on the services of that person in current or future projects.”

Although they do not name the person involved in their statement,One of those involved in the sexual allegations is Ayrton Paul, a composer, sound engineer and guitarist in training who studied at EICTV and with whom the agency had collaborations..

Paul, who apparently eliminated all presence on digital platforms, did not attend the graduation at EICTV and several students collected their degree, amid complaints from attendees, according to a video published by the magazine itself.

The Brazilian agency regretted a fact like this and assured that “the fight against gender violence is daily.”

They also stated that “a rapist does not reveal himself socially. It could be a friend, a client, a relative, a work colleague.”

Among other issues, they expressed their support for the victims of violence at EICTV.

On March 25, a report by journalistMario Luis Reyes revealed chilling testimonies of sexual abuse on EICTV.

After several years of investigation, the communicator stated "complaints of rape, sexual abuse, harassment, revictimization, and above all the mishandling of these situations by the EICTV management, which together was generating a toxic environment, unbearable for many students at the School.

The EICTV, which boasts academic excellence in the Latin American film scene, is going through a serious crisis due to these allegations of systematic sexual abuse and the institutional negligence of directors in the face of said accusations.

The report brings to light a series of testimonies from former students that describe a pattern of rape and harassment within the institution.. The complaints portray the toxic environment that he describes, where the alleged aggressors would be protected by their position of power, and remain unpunished.

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