Abuse of psychiatric patients captured in Camagüey hospital

The three patients who appear in the video are victims of violence even though they show absolutely no signs of aggression.

Patients with internal mental disorders at the Amalia Simoni hospital, inCamaguey, are being mistreated by the personnel who care for them, as revealed in a shocking video published by the Cuban Observatory for Human Rights (OCDH).

“OCDH collaborators in#Cuba They bring food to patients with mental disorders at the Amalia Simoni Hospital in Camagüey and They manage to capture images of the deplorable conditions and mistreatment of patients", denounced the OCDH on its social networks.

The Observatory accompanied the written complaint with a video of just over a minute in which patients are seen being mistreated by a woman -without a sanitary gown- whoHe threatens the sick with a large stick and even hits an inmate who is lying down and calm with a spoon.

It is noteworthy thatThe contempt, hostility and even physical attacks carried out by the woman take place in the middle of a context where the three patients who appear in the video show absolutely no signs of aggressiveness., which makes the scene even more violent and unusual.

The aforementioned source did not specify the moment in which the images, released this Monday, were filmed.

For years, the situation of people suffering from mental illnesses in Cuba has been deteriorating at the same rate at which the situation in the country has become critical in all areas.

Thelack of medicines for patients with psychiatric diagnoses has further increased the number of people whothey wander the streets and hasthe coexistence of many families worsened who reside with people who have mental conditions that require permanent medication.

The number of suicides of poorly medicated mentally ill people has also skyrocketed due to the shortage of drugs.

Added to this is the critical situation of hospitals that house patients with psychiatric problems. In February of this year it was reporteddeath of at least 13 patients at the Holguín Psychiatric Hospital with symptoms of malnutrition, anemia and bronchopneumonia.

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