Truck driver detained on National Highway for one hundred bags of cement for the informal market

He was detained by the Cuban police for the alleged crime of hoarding.

Cemento para mercado informal © Facebook/Fuerza del pueblo
Cement for informal market Photo © Facebook/People's Force

The driver of a truck wasarrested on the National Highway when he was transporting more than 100 bags of cement for the informal market, according to official information revealed on the networks.

The arrest of the truck occurred at kilometer 270 of the National Highway, located in the province ofVilla Clara, noted this Monday the profile inFacebook “People's Force”, linked to the Ministry of the Interior of Cuba (TO MENTION).

CaptureFacebook/“Strength of the People”

The publication states that the driver was arrested for the alleged crime of hoarding and that on other occasions he had already been prosecuted for illicit economic activity, and punished for robberies with force and threatening people.

According to the aforementioned profile, the seized cement was destined for works of social impact, while the origin of the material, with a high deficit in the country, is being investigated.

The information does not give details of the identity of the detainee as is usually done in other publications about those allegedly responsible for crimes on the island.

In this sameprofile, the arrest of another truck was announced this last Saturday that was illegally transporting various construction materials to Santa Clara.

CaptureFacebook/“Strength of the People”

The local police detained several people in a truck that was going near the La Granjita hotel, on the Maleza highway, heading to the city of Santa Clara, the profile states.

The truck was carrying materials that were sold on social networks, the publication noted.

He also stated that the truck was transporting 50 bags of cement, at 2,000 pesos each; 30 zinc roof sheets at 6,000 pesos each, and 80 meters of wire rod, at 20 pesos per meter.

The note states that one of the people was arrested for illicit economic activity and other companions are fined and that the police are investigating the origin of the materials, which were confiscated and delivered to the local government to be used in works of social impact.

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