They arrest the alleged perpetrator of a robbery with violence in Villa Clara

The incident was reported on March 29 and this Saturday the police claimed to have arrested the culprit.

Detenido por presunto caso de robo con violencia © Facebook Fuerza del Pueblo
Arrested for alleged robbery with violence Photo © Facebook Fuerza del Pueblo

The Cuban police announced the arrest of an individual accused of perpetrating a violent robbery in the Condado Popular Council, in the city of Santa Clara, Villa Clara, on March 29.

The news was confirmed by the official profile Power of the People, on Facebook. They indicate that the police, upon learning of the incident and advancing in the investigation, were able to capture the alleged perpetrator of the violent robbery that shocked the Condado neighborhood.

Facebook Force of the People

The incident, initially reported by those affected, took place in the early morning hours, when the criminal entered a residence and took several valuable objects, including a mattress, a stove and a fan.

During his escape, the thief was surprised by the owner of the house, whom he attacked with a mesh, apparently metal, causing injuries. The detainee will face different charges for the crimes committed.

This event adds another chapter to the worrying situation of robberies on the island, highlighting the need for effective measures to guarantee citizen security.

A few weeks ago the official program We make Cuba, on National Television, denied that there is a increase in violence in the country.

The prosecutor Beatriz de la Peña, Head of the Department of Investigation of Criminal Proceedings of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic and the Colonel Idael Fumero, Head of Information and Analysis of the Technical Directorate of Investigations (DTI) were the invited specialists. Both assured that everything reported on the networks "is a campaign" by the opposition against the government.

They point out that only the 9% of the crimes committed in Cuba are violent. Robberies with force would not be classified in this category. Among the cases that are considered crimes with violence would be murders, homicides, injuries, violent robberies, and sexual assault.

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