Cuban doctor renounces her profession: "I can no longer cure or provide relief because I do not have the resources"

A Cuban doctor published a heartbreaking text on social networks to announce that she is abandoning her profession because she does not have the resources to alleviate or cure diseases.

Entrada del hospital Calixto García (i) y Alina Arcos Fernández-Brito © Collage Cubadebate - Facebook/Alina Arcos Fernández-Brito
Calixto García hospital entrance (l) and Alina Arcos Fernández-Brito Photo © Collage Cubadebate - Facebook/Alina Arcos Fernández-Brito

Alina Arcos Fernández-Brito, a Cuban doctor who worked in theCalixto García Hospital, in Havana, published a heartbreaking text on social networks to announce that he is abandoning his profession because he does not have the resources to alleviate or cure diseases, to which is added that his profession no longer allows him to live with a minimum of dignity.

Under the title "Confession",Alina Arcos Fernandez-Brito broken down intoFacebook the sadness and helplessness that has led to such a difficult decision for her.

"I don't want to be a doctor anymore.I can no longer heal or relieve because I do not have the resources to do so. Not even to comfort and accompany in pain and illness, because I myself am full of sadness and hopelessness.. And one cannot offer what one does not have. "I can't help others anymore," he admitted.

The health professional - who is the sister of film critic Gustavo Arcos - said that in addition to the lack of supplies to perform her job correctly, she cannot "live with a minimum of dignity or decorum" while practicing as a doctor, which is a clear reference. stillsalary insufficient, an issue that is a recurring theme in Cuba.

"I am exhausted from so much anguish, foreign and my own. It doesn't matter that I continue to go to the hospital or care for the sick. This is not how it should be done. It is like violating something sacred", he added.

"I apologize to my patients... for what I always gave them and can no longer give them. They don't deserve it. Neither do I," the doctor concluded her shocking writing, which surely summarizes the feelings of many other colleagues, although not all Have the courage to make such a radical decision.

Facebook screenshot/Alina Arcos Fernández-Brito

In February 2021, in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, Alina Arcos nowdenounced the precarious situation in which doctors and nurses of the Intensive Care Unit were caring for patients at the Calixto García Hospital in Havana: without water, gloves, or protective clothing.

On that occasion, the doctor clarified that if the means of protection for medical personnel were exhausted, she would continue working and confessed the reason:"I am in love with what I do."

But time passes and the disappointments and helplessness, far from decreasing, increased.

In August of last year, Alina Arcos Fernández-Britto was outraged in an extensive and also shocking text, after the announcement of an official exchange market for the purchase and sale of foreign currency, a market that warned that he would subsistence in Cuba even more miserable than it already was.

Alina - a doctor with two specialties, a master's degree and with more than 30 years of work behind her - then revealed that in her casewould receive a salary equivalent to 49 dollars per month, a figure that has obviously contracted significantly if the stunning rise of the dollar in the informal market since then is evaluated.

On that occasion, the doctor pointed out that neither she nor her family received foreign currency from abroad and that they lived off their salaries, which should be enough to lead a decent life in a country

Arcos Fernández-Britto even stated that he did not support the Cuban government and that if he had a legal and peaceful way to try to change it, he would use it.

A year later, such a legal and peaceful path still does not exist and Dr. Alina Arcos Fernández-Brito has assumed that she cannot continue practicing her profession under the current circumstances.

"This publication is heartbreaking but at the same time shows your decency and integrity. One day that will be what it is worth, the night is never eternal. A big hug", can be read this Tuesday among the more than one hundred comments generated by the sad announcement.

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