Carolina Barrero: in Cuba thought is criminalized

The activist denounced the control that the State deploys over all aspects of the lives of Cubans.

The art historian and activist Carolina Barrero considers that in Cuba even thought is criminalized.

“We are talking about a dictatorship, an authoritarian and totalitarian dictatorship. “Cuba is a country where all forms of life, the development of life, from your work, your study, your way of thinking, even medicine itself, the most basic rights, are controlled and monitored,” said Barrero in an interview for Liberty+ Foundation.

The activist denounced the control that the State deploys over all aspects of the lives of Cubans.

“And access to them too and the way people think, live, dress, watch television is monitored and controlled by the same apparatus, which is a centralized, totalitarian apparatus, that responds to a single party,” he said.

In addition, he referred to how the political articulation of citizens constitutes a crime.

“It is a one-party country. One of the 8 parties with that condition in the world, the only one in Latin America. There has never been the possibility of another formation existing, not even with thought because it is criminalized by the constitution itself,” he concluded.

Barrero has recently been one of the most active Cuban activists in denouncing the regime's electoral farce.

Last March, the art historian and promoter, along with two other activists, had their portrait taken in the Plaza de Santa Ana next to the statue of the famous Granada intellectual Federico García Lorca, who was named a sweater with the phrase “I do not vote on March 26”, in reference to the island's elections.

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