Carolina Barrero

Carolina BarreroPhoto © Facebook

Carolina Barrero is an art historian, cultural promoter, and Cuban activist. She graduated from the Art History department at the University of Havana. In Cuba, she worked at the Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center. In Spain, the country where she holds citizenship, she was a fellow at the National Prado Museum in the Sponsorship and Communication Department, and has worked in art galleries.

Barrero is part of the 27N movement that was formed following the protests of hundreds of young people on November 27, 2020, in front of the Ministry of Culture headquarters in Havana to denounce the harassment against the San Isidro Movement (MSI) as well as the lack of freedoms and the increasing repression on the island against anyone who expresses themselves or thinks differently from the regime.

On January 27, 2021, two months later, following the breakdown of dialogue with the authorities of the Ministry of Culture, young artists gathered once again in front of the institution in peaceful protest. On that occasion, Barrero was arrested along with several members of the 27N group.

Since then, Barrero has been the victim of several arbitrary detentions, such as the one on January 31 in front of the National Assembly of People's Power, located in the Capitol of Havana, alongside rapper Maykel Osorbo Castillo with whom he was conducting a live broadcast defending the citizen's right to demand Alpidio's resignation.

Barrero has been warned and threatened in those interrogations where she has been suggested to "better go back to Spain", lest they regulate her and later prohibit her from leaving.

In February 2021, Barrero and activist Solveig Font presented, on behalf of the 27N movement, a petition to revoke the positions of Alpidio Alonso Grau as a deputy and Minister of Culture of Cuba before the National Assembly and the Council of State in Havana, following the violence with which the Minister and other leaders lashed out against the young people who were peacefully staying overnight in front of the institution. Days later, Barrero was detained by police officers while out shopping.

In February 2012, State Security threatened the young woman with accusing her of a crime of "clandestine printing" against public disorder, as contemplated in article 210 of the Cuban Penal Code, after Barrero printed an image of José Martí covered in stars, with which she intended to pay tribute to the Apostle's birth on January 28th.