Alarm: More than 200 people, mostly children, affected by a diarrheal outbreak in Sancti Spíritus

The causes lie in the circulation of rotavirus, as well as in the quality of drinking water and its storage conditions, Health officials said.

Hospital Pediátrico Provincial José Martí Pérez © Escambray
José Martí Pérez Provincial Pediatric Hospital Photo © Escambray

More than 200 people, mostly children, have been affected by a diarrhea epidemic in several locations in Sancti Spíritus, caused mainly by the poor quality of drinking water.

In the second week of August, 160 cases were reported only in the "José Martí Pérez" Provincial Pediatric Hospital, and during the third, the number increased to more than 200, according to a report from the local media. Escambray.

Yurien Negrín Calvo, deputy director of Hygiene of the Provincial Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology (CPHEM), explained that the fundamental causes lie in "the wide circulation of rotavirus in the areas of highest incidence, as well as in the quality of drinking water and in the conditions of storage, conservation and treatment of this liquid by the family".

The critical situation has forced strict monitoring of the water supply by Health, which led them to determine that there are deficiencies in the chlorination of the water, persistence of leaks, insufficiencies in the cleaning of the valves in the distribution network and of the settlers of the Yayabo plant.

The municipalities with the highest incidence are Sancti Spíritus, Jatibonico and La Sierpe, where the epidemic phase was declared, while Yaguajay, Taguasco and Trinidad are in alarm and only Cabaiguán and Fomento are in the security phase.

Some cases have presented signs of severity, although the majority have gone through it without major complications, doctors said.

The treatment they have followed with the patients consists mainly of diet, oral rehydration salts, hygienic measures and, if necessary, enteral hydration.

Also this month, the Guantánamo health authorities were on alert since the World Health Organization (WHO) reported the increased incidence of cholera in twenty countries, including Haiti.

The Ministry of Public Health in the eastern province began a active disease surveillance, with special attention to those who enter the territory from the neighboring nation.

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