Electric motorcycle causes fire in Manzanillo cafeteria

Firefighters from the Manzanillo Command reduced the flames and prevented the fire from spreading to the rest of the cafeteria or nearby homes.

A electric motorcycle caused a fire at the La Fuente cafeteria in the historic center of the city of Manzanillo, in the eastern province of Granma.

Journalist Roberto A. Mesa Matos interviewed Dunier Tamayo Casanova, vice mayor of Defense, who assured that the electric motorcycle battery exploded after 8:30 pm on Tuesday at Cafeteria La Fuente, popularly known as "El Rápido."

Facebook Roberto A. Mesa Matos

He accident left no loss of life but material damage. The display refrigerator was destroyed and several dishes on the floor fell off due to the heat.

In a video shared by the user Rosemberth Pach Mats On Facebook you could see moments of the performance of the firefighters from the Manzanillo Command when the flames reduced. They prevented the fire from spreading to the rest of the cafeteria and affecting nearby homes.

Facebook Roberto A. Mesa Matos

In August the electric motorcycle explosion caused a raging fire in a home in Isabela de Sagua, Villa Clara.

The incident left great material losses, but all family members managed to escape the fire alive.

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