Ukrainian soldiers to Cubans: “Better to die with dignity for the freedom of Cuba than to die as an invader of our land”

“Do not be fooled as you did in Soviet times, when you were used for the interests of dictatorships and led to complete isolation,” they asked in a video.

A platoon of soldiersUkraine sent a message this Thursday to the Cubans, demanding their non-participation inthe war in the service of Russia and warning them not to be fooled by the dictatorship that governs them.

Instead of serving as mercenaries to serve the interests of the Kremlin, the Ukrainian fighters recommended that Cubans fight for their freedom and not be part of Russia's aggression and the genocide they commit in their land.

“Cuban people, remember: It is better to die with dignity for the freedom of Cuba than to die as an invader of Ukrainian land. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to our heroes,” said a soldier to the Cubans at the end of a message she broadcast on YouTube.Radio Republic.

The twenty soldiers, all masked except the woman, posed in a forest with all their weapons and military equipment. Some among them gave voice to the message that the Ukrainian people sent to the Cubans, after the confirmed revelations of the Russian Army's hiring of Cubans to serve in the invasion of Ukraine.

“We are the people of Ukraine. We fight for our lives, for freedom, against the Russian imperialist war. “All our people are united and many countries, who understand that the truth is on our side, support us,” said one soldier.

Another asked Cubans “not to let themselves be fooled as they did in Soviet times, when they were used for the interests of dictatorships and led to complete isolation.”

“Do not be part of the Russian aggression of which you will be victims,” warned a third, making clear the determination of the Ukrainian people to fight the invaders until their last breath and with all the consequences that this may entail.

Another soldier appealed to the Cubans' sense of justice and good, asking them to "not allow themselves to be made part of the war and genocide against Ukraine."

“You can be sure that those who are a disgrace to the Ukrainian land and bring death will find their own death in this place,” said another of the Ukrainian soldiers.

In a surprising turn of events, Ukrainian activist hackers known as the “Cyber Resistance”The personal email account of a senior Russian officer was infiltrated involved in recruiting Cubans for the invasion of Ukraine.

The operation revealeddata of about 200 Cubans, photos of passports, images of these shared on social networks and details of the recruitment carried out by the Russian Army of mercenaries on the Island.

For its part, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX) of Cuba issued a Declaration this Monday in whichdenied any link with sending young people to the war in Ukraine.

At the same time, he reported that the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) was trying to dismantle a human trafficking network for military recruitment purposes that operates from Russia, of which the first arrests were reported this Thursday.

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