A Cuban MSME marketed imported pork straight from the container, without taking it to any sales stand, in the middle of the street in Havana.
Geovany González, group administrator Facebook "MIPYME PLAYA" announced this week the sale of a pork tenderloin container in the Playa municipality.
González warned those interested book in the early hours, because the merchandise would be shipped early.

"The Boxes range from 44 pounds to 60 approximately (minimum purchase one box) each box has its weighing. Price: 650 CUP x L"he explained.
In other post, the merchant stressed that the meat was clean and of very good quality.
"No bone, no skin, no fat. Ready to fillet", accurate.
This is not the first time that a Cuban MSME sells food directly from the container in which the merchandise was imported, right on the street, thereby avoiding intermediaries and the price is lower.
In August, a MSMEs sold boxes of frozen chicken in a park in Havana, at about 250 pesos per pound.
The Uruguayan journalist Fernando Ravsberg broke the news on his Facebook, along with the photo of the container parked on the public road with a pile of boxes of Golden Phoenix brand chicken. On a nearby tree, a handwritten sign reported that the 10-kilogram box was selling for 5,700 pesos.
Several Internet users celebrated the price drop of the product, while others continued to find it expensive. Some were concerned about the precariousness and unhealthiness of this sales system, and asked who had authorized it, since it violated hygiene and food safety regulations.
"Underdevelopment in its purest form. Furthermore, the average 'free on board' cost (put on the ship) of the pound of US chicken meat exported to Cuba was 0.40 USD in May," commented Cuban economist Pedro Monreal.
For the analyst, even assuming the cost of insurance, freight, customs and internal transportation, this MSME would be obtaining "a very high profit rate for a basic product", by selling it "three times higher than the purchase price."
"This sale under a bush is an informal market. It does not function as a competitive market nor does it connect with the internal economy. It is a 'Phoenician' business and is politically indefensible, both for the SME and for the government that has authorized this type of primitive market," he concluded.
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