New cars in Cuba: MSMEs import more expensive vehicles from the US

Some Cubans are importing high-end vehicles from the United States, in the midst of the current crisis. Where does so much money come from?

In contrast to the economic crisis that is plaguing Cuba, the streets of the island exhibit new luxury vehicles that make their way through the urban fabric, after being imported by micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) from the United States.

Between the car brands Most seen in Cuban cities are Mercedes-Benz, GMC, Range Rover, BMW, Toyota, Kia and even the occasional flirty Mini Cooper.

In 2023, cars of various types worth almost 10 million dollars, according to statistics from the US-Cuba Economic and Trade Council (USCTEC).

The questions that these cars generate as they pass through Cuban streets resonate among citizens: Who are the wealthy people who can import these cars? What is the source of such opulence?

The appearance of these cars has unleashed a flood of comments among the population. Many people wonder if this is the "Blocking?" and they assure that the dictatorship is not telling the truth about the United States economic embargo.

For most Cubans it is incomprehensible that there are private entrepreneurs on the island with resources to purchase those cars, while other people don't even have enough to eat.

There are those who claim that the owners of these luxury cars in Cuba They can only be the "government goats" and others do not doubt that some MSME owners will soon suffer confiscations from the regime.

Meanwhile, in everyday life, Cuban workers struggle with the transportation hardships, food shortages and power outages, which are becoming more and more noticeable.

In 2023, the Cuban government announced regulations for the sale and import of vehicles, in an attempt to alleviate the transportation crisis. Later, a group of Miami businessmen With authorization from the US Department of the Treasury, they started businesses importing cars for self-employed people in Cuba.

It is important to highlight that the Cuban government has for sale, for individuals and MSMEs, lots of old cars that are sold at high prices, for tens of thousands of dollars.

An old gasoline Toyota with paint problems on the body can cost $30,000 for individuals and $13,000 for someone who wants to purchase it through a MSME.

The modern and expensive cars They are being noticed in the country. Unsolved questions persist among the population, such as: Who are the new rich people in Cuba who can import these cars? Where does so much money come from?.

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